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Hell Let Loose update for 18 September 2023

Patch 14.3 Hotfix Now Live!

Share · View all patches · Build 12214125 · Last edited 18 September 2023 – 14:09:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey everyone,

The hotfix for Patch 14.3 will have now begun rolling out.

Hotfix Changelog

Console players will also be receiving a hotfix later this week, as some of these fixes will need to go through a separate process.

Fixes are underway for the below items:

VOIP Disconnect Fix
  • [Fixed] Vivox Error 1019 when connecting to channels

We believe we may have fixed an ongoing VOIP issue where players can find themselves getting disconnected randomly and then being unable to reconnect.

Steam Achievements
  • [PC] [Fixed] All Practice Range achievements are not unlocking
Ultrawide Monitors
  • [Fixed] Character previews scale incorrectly
  • [Fixed] Fix for tank driver seat FOV
  • [Fixed] Fix for Sherman doubled-up scope
  • [Fixed] Tank scope offset on certain resolutions
  • [Fixed] Tank cross hairs incorrectly aligned

Hell Let Loose did not previously offer ultrawide support - although it did have compatibility - and those using ultrawide monitors played with a cropped and highly scaled version of the game that cut off the character model's hand and majority of the weapon, as well as cropped tank scopes. Compared to those playing on a 16:9 resolution, the sights were far more zoomed in and appeared larger, giving ultrawide players somewhat of an advantage.

Ultrawide support was highly requested by the community, and Patch 14.3 introduced this support, which now provides the same 16:9 game resolution for ultrawide monitors.

This does mean that, for those used to the zoomed-in appearance, this change can now feel somewhat jarring, and the distortion of the peripheral edges - standard on 16:9 - may feel increased.

Depending on your settings, some players may have tried to compensate for the previous lack of ultrawide support by increasing their FOV to 120, and maintaining Y axis.

With the added support, we recommend changing these settings to the below in order to reduce any fish-eye effect:

  • FOV 90
  • Maintaining X axis

Cover Image by [233C] Chrysallia

HLL Client Windows Depot 686811
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