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PUSHER - Drug Tycoon update for 18 September 2023

JOBS update - v.1.1.0

Share · View all patches · Build 12213509 · Last edited 18 September 2023 – 09:09:30 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

🎮 Greetings, Community! 🎮

🚀 Next step on our roadmap is done - JOBS udpate is here.

Update will work with your old saves!

You will be able to make money in new ways:

  • 🚗Car Jobs:

You will be hired to steal a car.

After you accept this task, the [color=#d43737]CAR ICON[/color] will appear in different places at different times.
If you arrive at the location on time, you will be tasked with opening the lock.

  • 🎯Hit Jobs:

You will be hired to eleminate target.

Once you accept this task, the [color=#d43737]TARGET ICON[/color] will appear in different places at different times.
If you arrive at the location on time, you will face the enem

  • 📦DeliveryJobs:

You will be hired to deliver a package to another city.

If you get there on time, you will be paid for your work.

💪I hope you will have fun with the new update💪

👷‍♂️ Work on the next feature in roadmap is in progress. 👷‍♂️

🌟 Have an amazing week! 🎉

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