Jesus, where do we start:
- Click and Hover sounds volume fixed on Main Menu.
- Click and Hover sounds added to Pause Menu.
- Music volume reduced on The Pretzel Drop.
- Bear Crowd volume standardized at prefab level.
- Charles Run now has bleachers, and higher resolution light bake.
- All vehicle audio is mixed and rebalanced with new Engine, Skid and Impact sound effects.
- All levels have fewer and fine tuned crowd audio sounds with 15m max listening distance.
- Music in all levels is reduced in volume so that vehicle sounds are primary.
- Lightning sound volume is partially spatial and reduced in volume by 20% in Guttural Crack.
- Confetti sound is 50% volume now with only 50m max listening distance in all levels.
- Teddy Bears now emit dust as they roll around.
- Large interactive rocks now emit dust as they move around.
- Additional colliders for large interactive rocks, more work needed.
- Controller rumbles at Boost Bar 7/8 instead of Boost Bar 6/8, more intuitive warning.
- Dive in the Hive starting line lengthened.
- Erroneous lights in Dive in the Hive removed for better performance.
- Erroneous lights in Arch Angel removed for better performance.
- Light bloom reduced slightly in Sidewinder Spin.
- Minimum brightness threshold adjusted in Sidewinder Spin.
- Less audio clipping in Arch Angel, still more work to be done at starting line.
- All AI in all levels rebalanced to be less aggressive and more focused on the race.
- Additional boost zones added to Charles Run.
- Podium Tracker and Podium Pedestal added to Charles Run.
- Vehicles are aware for small shortcut in Charles Run on Bridge 1.
- New Impact Effects for Compact, Sport, Mud Plugger and Titan vehicle classes.
- New RC Car Motor Effects for Compact, Sport, Mud Plugger and Titan vehicle classes.
- Rebalanced vehicle audio volumes per effect.
- Rebalanced Granite God Mesa crowd volume.
- Rebalanced Granite God Mesa reverb zones.
- Lower volume of Leave You Far Behind on Granite God Mesa.
- Updated Good graphics performance setting to allow 1 additional light.
- Raised the Body Colliders for Granite Wildcat and Wildcat XT.
- Reimported all textures to be 2K resolution across the board.
- Additional foliage and bleachers added to level Dive in the Hive.
- More consistent placement of reflection probes in Dive in the Hive.
- Granite Wildcat and Wildcat XT have higher body collisions to prevent ground clipping.
- Patriot Oxide and Oxide Fury have bigger wheels so they don't sink under ground like before.
- Adjusted lighting at the final turn of Guttural Crack level.
- Added 3 more mud zones to Guttural Crack level for more Titan and Mud Plugger class advantage.
- Good and Beautiful graphics settings support 1 extra light.
- All textures are now 2048 resolution with mip map streaming.
- Dive in the Hive foliage added.
- Dive in the Hive bleachers added.
- Dive in the Hive reflection probes redone.
- Dive in the Hive light baking redone.
- Reduced Granite God Mesa player count to 16 for improved performance.
- Reduced and combined Distant Environment Pieces, reducing overall scene poly count 25%.
- Removed 330 shadow casters from Granite God Mesa.
- Occlusion culling redone for Granite God Mesa.
- Occlusion culling redone for The Pretzel Drop.
- Vehicle Debris resized and given different collision shapes.
- Debris and interactive props go to sleep over time, further helping performance.
- Honeypot Unlock works as intended now.
- Default quality setting is Good so that PCs don't die.
- Vehicle Impact Debris enabled as a test.
- Made changes to the handling of Patriot Oxide so it's not so heavy and catches a little more air after jumps.
- Sidewinder Spin now has physics optimized interactive props, some changes to set dressing and a fixed Podium camera.
- The Graphics Settings has improved Quality options that have granular control over what Post Effects and Rendering Quality is assigned to each of the 6 options. "Good" seems well suited for the latest Laptop GPUs.
- More work is being done to make the vehicles handle better. This update changes the wheel size and collision meshes for Grizzly Logger and Grizzly Logger Flower Power.
Changed files in this update