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MAJOR Rune Gate update for 17 September 2023

Patch Note v 0.88 Extra Difficulty Settings. Switch Between Units in Battle.

Share · View all patches · Build 12209842 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 15:28:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This was originally planned as the second milestone. I wasn't gonna make this change until I made a few more changes to the gameplay. But since a lot of feedback involves around difficulty, starting weapon and game length, it seems important to move this update ahead. Now, let's talk about the changes.

New Difficulty Settings

  1. Starting Weapon: A lot of people want to setup the MC's starting weapon, so I added this option. Also, people have mentioned the fact that the MC can use all weapons and runes is a bit OP, so I added an option to lock the MC to its starting weapon type.

  2. Game Length: The original length was 69 days, which is a bit too long for some players. So I added two more shorter options. Please bear in mind that making the game shorter will also make it harder, as you will be facing stronger enemies sooner.

  3. Champion Limit: Some of you want to recruit more champions. You can now do so if you wish.

  4. No Potions and Extra Health: The original game has no potions and its champions have no extra health, but it turns out to be too punishing for some players. Now you can experience what they've experienced, if you so wish.

  5. Permanent Death: Why not.

  6. Endless Mode: it used to turn on by default in the hard difficulty, now it's up to you.

Hopefully you can find the right difficulty and tempo in these options.

Switch Between Units in Battle

After the turn mechanic change, speed and turn order are not as important as it used to be. It makes more sense to give the player the freedom to choose whoever they want to go first. That's why I made this change.

You can now switch actively units by clicking on their portraits, and picking "End Turn" will jump to the next available unit, until there are none.

In order to maintain the coherence of the gameplay, once a character has played a card, you can't switch anymore until you end its turn.

Stage Progression

Some players mentioned they don't know when the boss will show up and how long each stage is. Now that the game length can be different, this information has become more relevant.

You can now see the entire stage on the top left of the main menu. I also renamed "Stage" to "Wave" as it makes more sense in the context of defending the bridge.

Other changes:

  1. Made a visual change to the top menu.
  2. Offer now applies to yourself even if you put it on an attack card.
  3. Fixed the tooltips of some gears and units.
  4. Leora and Notus can now use default rune they unlocked.
  5. Fixed an issue where some buffs and debuffs displayed wrong info.

Since this is a fairly big change, it might introduce a few new bugs. I'll fix them as soon as I find them.
I'll be focusing on adding/changing/improving Runes, Augments and Moves for the next two weeks.

Windows 64-bit Depot 2522271
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