- All vehicle audio is mixed and rebalanced with new Engine, Skid and Impact sound effects.
- All levels have fewer and fine tuned crowd audio sounds with 15m max listening distance.
- Music in all levels is reduced in volume so that vehicle sounds are primary.
- Lightning sound volume is partially spatial and reduced in volume by 20% in Guttural Crack.
- Confetti sound is 50% volume now with only 50m max listening distance in all levels.
- Teddy Bears now emit dust as they roll around.
- Large interactive rocks now emit dust as they move around.
- Additional colliders for large interactive rocks, more work needed.
- Controller rumbles at Boost Bar 7/8 instead of Boost Bar 6/8, more intuitive warning.
- Dive in the Hive starting line lengthened.
- Erroneous lights in Dive in the Hive removed for better performance.
- Erroneous lights in Arch Angel removed for better performance.
- Light bloom reduced slightly in Sidewinder Spin.
- Minimum brightness threshold adjusted in Sidewinder Spin.
- Less audio clipping in Arch Angel, still more work to be done at starting line.
- All AI in all levels rebalanced to be less aggressive and more focused on the race.
- Additional boost zones added to Charles Run.
- Podium Tracker and Podium Pedestal added to Charles Run.
- Vehicles are aware for small shortcut in Charles Run on Bridge 1.
MotorCubs RC update for 17 September 2023
Windows Build 583 - Audio Rebalanced
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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