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Poached : Hunt The Hunter update for 17 September 2023

Early Access Update V0.8.2

Share · View all patches · Build 12208366 · Last edited 17 September 2023 – 04:33:24 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Weekly update fixing issues raised by users as well as developer planned updates and enhancements including a new fishing mini-game as well as seed planting mechanics and more.

    1. Made water look beautiful with realistic translucency that reacts to changes in the environmental ambient lighting.
    1. Fishing mini-game now available in the nearby pond. Follow the fishing way-point when using the radio or vehicle in order to access the game. Select the rod to fish, use fire/left mouse to cast a line or zoom/right mouse to cancel a cast depending on what you've assigned those actions to. The line will automatically retract if you catch a fish so you only need to manually reel back in if you wish to re-cast.
    1. You can now grow plants using seeds! You can plant them anywhere but its best to plant them in your grow hut or campsite. Locate some seeds in the bar or on the reserve and then plant them using the inventory. You can locate your new fully grown plant in the next mission after the one you planted them in. Currently available seeds can be only be used to grow "Elder Thyme" power-up used for slowing down time. More will soon be available to purchase online using the PC. Once seeds have been planted you will need to wait until at least the next mission for them to be fully grown.
    1. Removed weird bubbles coming from the fish inside the pond.
    1. Fixed strange colliders near fishing pond.
    1. Improved some detail in certain terrain areas near outskirts.
    1. Improved pistol hand holding position.
    1. Improved some character arm skin materials.
    1. Optimized post-processing code for color grading and sun shafts.
    1. Optimized various scripting modules and code performance.
    1. Fixed numerous typos found in subtitles.
    1. Fixed ability to attain infinite money in final bunker through relentless quick loading.
    1. Fixed collision for pool balls to stop them from falling through the floor at times.
    1. Fixed overlapping notepad text in final bunker.
    1. Improved Silenced SMG Left hand thumb holding position appearance. (76.4)
    1. Procedural generation now off by default, as it is only an experimental feature to fill up the outskirts of the terrain where I've been too lazy to detail it by hand but after latest updates it is unnecessary unless you crave pure chaos/randomness in your bush exploration. Feel free to activate it if desired, and also to turn it on/off when exploring thick bush outskirts for a comparison of what it does. Procedural generation quality slider is now also deactivated when the option is off. I plan to phase this option out entirely in future so consider it as a purely experimental feature at the moment.
    1. Cleaned out resources database of un-used inventory icons and resource files and optimized crafting "ghost" objects.
    1. Fixed issue of time of day being frozen in place during Chapter 2.
    1. Final boss fight will now always take place in the day regardless of time when entering the final bunker.
    1. In the previous update the game had allowed custom "Time Of Day" to be set with a slider, after testing and fine tuning with this, a new system has been integrated which makes the days twice as long, and the nights 2x shorter for a gameplay balance. If you wish to re-enable the custom time of day, simply type "TIMEOFDAY" in the options menu while paused.
    1. Game score will now submit to the leader-board if "Submit Score" is enabled whenever the player exits the game to prevent high scores from being lost if a player does not complete an enemy wave beforehand.
    1. Changed wording when defeating all enemies in Chapter 2 to "Wave Completed" instead of "Mission Completed" since the enemies will keep respawning indefinitely in this part.
    1. Leader-board now displays the top 100 scores/players instead of only the top 40.
    1. Added slightly more detail to bar interior.
    1. Removed some shaders from game memory that are no longer being used.
    1. Increased volume of "Introduction" speech when playing a new game.
    1. Secret level ["Noise Complaint"] can now be found when finishing the game if the player misses the warp zone for it in Mission 1. After you have completed the game, you need to sleep in your caravan to activate it, although if you skip it after this or complete it - it will not activate again.
    1. Fixed some issues with terrain textures not loading properly in Secret Level
    1. Improved visual clarity when using PC inside caravan domicile.
    1. Improved loading times for Main Menu from splash screen.
    1. Added new states for the bar in chapter 2 where you can find more people or even at times find it closed due to fumigation complete with new NPC's to discover.
    1. Any cheat codes entered will now save/persist between sessions until deactivated with the same code again such as unlocking the mods menu or modifying the time of day mode.
    1. Removed a large amount of un-used code from the internal game codebase including some unnecessary asynchronous mission briefing methods.
    1. Added a "peaceful mode" to the unlockable mods menu which will allow players to deactivate the infinitely spawning enemy waves during chapter 2. This will not deactivate enemies during chapter 1 as in this chapter defeating the enemies is the only way to advance the story. When the game is out of E.A. the mods menu will unlock after completing the game and all side quests, currently it can only be unlocked through a cheat code which is available on request.
    1. Added descriptions to all mods in the unlockable mods menu.
    1. Disabled stack trace logging in the built game to increase game performance. I also plan to move the game over from Mono scripting backend to the IL2CPP backend for further runtime optimization once I am done with more development, as the internal editor stack trace logging with IL2CPP has some issues that make it harder to debug certain things.
    1. Increased enemy A.I. hearing distance when considering nearby gunshots by 30%.
    1. The dustbin near the caravan which provides a unique random mystery item near the campsite can now only be harvested once per mission.
    1. Fixed issue making it impossible to leave the shooting range with the "Leave" button.
    1. Shooting range can now also be exited by pressing "Use" on a nearby vehicle which is implied as the method of transport in and out of the range.
  • 41. Hippo Bonus mission can now also be exited back to the main story campaign by using the "Leave" button.
    1. Fixed weird texture tiling on the hippo bonus mission totem statue.
    1. Fixed some missing water collider sounds near waterfall with baby elephant as well as some other water sources not triggering the sound of the player wading through them, as well as optimized water scripting.
    1. Updated early access information on store page to reflect the games current story campaign completability state as the story campaign was not yet finished when the game launched into early access 22 days ago but it now is.
    1. Updated store page to show support for English subtitles. More languages are on the way hopefully by the end of the year.
    1. Fixed some internal warning issues for binoculars relating to the parenting of tagged waypoints to the main waypoint canvas.
    1. Fixed issue causing the FAL FN rifle to behave as a silenced weapon when it is in fact rather loud.
    1. Fixed issue causing bullet proof vests and anti-venom to spawn again when loading a game even if they were taken allowing for infinite amounts of that item in their respective missions.
    1. Fixed an issue causing game loading to fail and lose your inventory items if a new pickup item is added to the game loader registry and game is updated during a playthrough
    1. Optimized the open world maps internal geometry memory resources by removing unnecessary hidden meshes.
    1. Fixed issue causing "Noise Complaint" mission to become incompletable if players made a certain choice near the end of the mission.
    1. Optimized shader loading time with a newly baked Shader Variant Collection to preload shaders on game start.
    1. Made achievement description for "All In A Day’s Work" clearer, specifying that you need to "Progress to the next mission by sleeping in your bed on Medium or Hard." as when playing on Easy you exclusively use the radio tower to progress to the next mission instead of the bed.

Thank you everybody for submitting all your feedback in the community forums and on the Discord. I have been listening closely and my appreciation for you all is endless! Keep it coming.

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