- Added option to change FOV in settings
- Added option to change zoom sensitivity in settings
- Added option to limit fps in settings
- Added option to show fps in settings
- Added option to remove crosshair visibility
- Improved settings on initial start up (fullscreen, better volume, etc.)
- Added crosshair that shows gun spread and moves based on movement and firing
- Added laser sight to heavy sniper
- Improved performance for game by baking maps with occlusion culling
- Improved filter for lobby name creation
- Added banner in lobby list to direct players that can't find lobbies to Discord
- Changed default rounds to 7
- Decreased recoil intensity on Uzi (3 -> 2)
- Decreased recoil intensity on Tech9 (3.5 -> 2.5)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed player icons not loading properly upon connect and disconnect
- Fixed music playing if you joined mid-match
- Fixed spectating bug that caused clash on right click
- Fixed spectating bug that caused crash on left/right click when no players are alive
- Fixed bug causing rounds to start on the 2nd round
- Fixed bug that caused players to be stuck in free cam spectator mode
- Fixed bug that caused gun odd gun shifting sometimes when holding a gun
- Fixed bumper cars being an unlockable hat rather than DLC
- Fixed bug causing bean to not rotate in the shop
- Other minor bug fixes and changes
Changed files in this update