Hey everyone, season 14 of DR will be launching shortly.
One of the biggest challenges we've noticed among new players is that the campaign doesn't reflect DR's endgame. It also made us focus our limited resources and always make choices on what's more important, investing in our campaign or investing in our endless ruptures loop. We have found a compromise where we essentially rupturized the campaign, or in other words, the campaign will be played in the same style as ruptures. It also made crafting and unlocking progress in the campaign more meaningful.
Here is what to expect in the new season:
- You will begin in your home fort in the snowy mountains. Home fort has been remade.
- There are multiple new boss fights to make the campaign more fun and meaningful.
- Fight through ruptures in the zones you know and Love.
- Crafting recipes, offhand, bracers, relics, and jewelry will all unlock as you progress through the first 35 ruptures. Rupture 36 will seem very familiar to the previous endgame.
Changes to End Game:
- Opening ruptures no longer require keys.
- So, there is no selection of rupture zone. Instead, you will be teleported randomly to one of the 24 ruptures.
- Since progression is different and ruptures scale faster, we will reduce the rupture level of high-end zones such as the Olympus, bridge, etc.
As always, don't be alarmed by the changes. We constantly try new things to improve, and everything is temporary. These changes affect all aspects of the game. Therefore, the progression is different. Whether it is too slow or too fast, it will still be tweaked many times.
Changed files in this update