"Deathmatch" mode!
It's a pretty common mode for a lot of games, but for those who don't know what it is about: It's a weapon mode like Last Man Standing, except that when you get eliminated you respawn and keep playing. Every player you eliminate adds +1 to your score, while if you accidentally eliminate yourself you lose -1 from your own score. The mode lasts 25 turns - this might be adjusted in future, depending on feedback. I've added Deathmatch, because Last Man Standing was by far the most popular mode, and it's really frustrating when you play with a group of friends and you have to wait after being eliminated early on. -
Bots added to Public Games.
I've always been against adding bots to public games, but let's face it - playing 1 on 1 is boring most of the times. That's why from now on, buts will be added to the game, but only to ensure there's at least 4 characters playing at minimum. This means that if it's just two real players playing, they will play along 2 bots. For 3 players, only 1 bot will be added. From 4 players and above, no bots will be added to the match. -
Adjusted how "eliminated by" is assigned.
Previously player A would have to cause damage to player B for it to count that A eliminated B. For example, if a Grenade exploded far enough not to cause damage but pushed the player off the map, game seen it as if f they eliminated themselves. This was now fixed. -
Added a "Disconnected" status icon.
status icon has been added - a red lightning on a black background, which indicates that the player has disconnected and left the game.
- Sometimes first person view / third person view cameras would not align properly when choosing / doing actions. This has been fixed.
- Fixed the bug where the cursor would sometimes disappear during the game.
Changed files in this update