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Miners Settlement update for 16 September 2023

Build - v4.18.12

Share · View all patches · Build 12205903 · Last edited 16 September 2023 – 10:26:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

In this update, our primary focus has been on improving the overall performance of the application. We've listened to your feedback and have worked diligently to make your experience smoother and more enjoyable.

Key Improvements:

  1. Faster Loading Times: We have made significant enhancements to reduce the loading time of the application. Now, you can get into the action more quickly and with less waiting.

  2. Lag After Initial Loading: We understand how frustrating lag can be, especially after the initial load. We're happy to announce that we have fixed this issue, ensuring a smoother and more responsive experience throughout your usage.

Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We are committed to delivering the best possible experience, and we will continue to refine and enhance the application based on your valuable input.

Please don't hesitate to contact our support team if you encounter any issues or have further suggestions for improvement. We look forward to bringing you even more exciting updates in the future.

Windows Depot 2373441
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