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Black Reliquary update for 16 September 2023

Gameplay Patch 10 (9/16/2023)

Share · View all patches · Build 12205103 · Last edited 16 September 2023 – 08:33:28 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Crew!

We hope you're doing well! This update just has some final adjustments and bugfixes that we wanted to get out before shifting our focus towards the 1.0 release entirely. We may still ship a few hotfix-scale updates from time to time, especially if we find fixes for any major bugs.


  • Fixed some typos in skill descriptions
  • Fixed issue with "The Slayer" vendor paying out the incorrect number of Chthonic Scraps for higher-level trinket interactions
  • Fixed issue with "The Slayer" vendor not returning higher-level trinkets upon interaction
  • Fixed audio issue with Flayed Narration
  • Fixed issue where Charmed Occultist's "Desert's Embrace" targeting bias didn't scale correctly (targeted Charmer significantly more in Veteran compared to Apprentice)
  • Charmed Occultist's Dune Reconstruction now offsets its target slightly, should make it a bit easier to see heal numbers on Sand Charmer
  • Fixed issue where Zarallis's Torso didn't extend to the bottom of the Town Event Panel


Hero Changes
  • Dredge's Calibrate Omnitool now only costs 2 Respite Points
  • Judicator's Crit Effect is now: +15% PROT if not Pagan, +15% DMG if not Religious
  • Veiled's Deathblow Chance Debuffs on both Disfigure and Grave Grasp has been increased to a flat -14%
  • Philomath's Malevolent Pact Stress Received Debuff is now a flat +10%, Stress Heal to Philo is now a flat -8
Monster Changes
  • Levantine Janissary's SPD has been reduced to 13
  • Levantine Janissary's internal cooldown for Keep them Busy has been lowered to 10 turns (keeps it in line with the initiative reduction we made a while back)
  • Levantine Janissary can no longer target the same hero back to back with To the Death
  • The bleed caused by Wildlander Steelpath's Dissever is now guaranteed to land
  • Kvarotz Mekhrub's Dodge has been lowered to 3/13/23 (was 8/18/28), Max HP increased by ~25% (25->30 on Apprentice)
  • Kvarotz Nerazz Mekhrub's Dodge has been lowered to 0/10/20 (was 5/15/25), Max HP increased by ~17% (30->35 on Apprentice)
  • Wildlander Corvid's base Debuff/Mark Resist has been lowered to 25/50/75%
Trinket Changes
  • The Dredge's First Design and Ostvengr Rationed Knapsack trinkets now apply their buffs/debuffs on Friendly Skill instead of through the trinket directly. This prevents instances where the player can take off the trinket in order to gain the buffs from these trinkets, but not the debuffs.
  • Philomath's Edged Altercations Vol. II: +5 DODGE -> + 10 DODGE if in Pos 1 or 2
  • Fleet Florin has been reworked, renamed, and had its artwork adjusted:
    Corroded Florin:
    +3 SPD
    +33% Blight Amount Applied
    +10% CRT
    +15% Damage Received if not Acting First on your team
Misc Changes
  • Updated Inventory in Provision screen so that item grid appears above the backpack
  • Compressed a bunch of files from the Ship Events update and shaved about 300 MB off the mod's size
English Depot 2119271
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