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BrVR Backrooms Virtual Reality update for 16 September 2023

V. 3.4

Share · View all patches · Build 12204363 · Last edited 16 September 2023 – 02:39:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

After some issues with Unreal Engine we're back, but with a smaller update than normal. Just a couple of changes today.

Memory worm has less health

It used to be indestructible, then it had an insane amount of health, and now it can be killed relatively easily, still takes 20-30 shots from the 1911. It's beefy.

Added the fast smiler

Lurking in the back of level 2, the fast smiler is much faster than you can run, but has minimal health. Also, it has a more crazed smile than the other smiler.

Smiler changes

Smilers are now generally faster, but with much less health overall. This has nothing to do with the addition of the fast smiler though, this is for the normal smiley bois.

Added a "Rave Room"

In the emptu room on MEG Base Alpha's 2nd floor, there is now a color changing light with the song "Almond Milk Rave" by our discord member LunaNightZ. His name is also in the credits now. Thanks Luna!

Revamped base beta

MEG's base beta is now more full of props, plants, and all kinds of other stuff. There's even an integrated workbench like in the other outposts! The office above is also fully furnished now.

That's it for today, between Bread or Dead (our other game), a trip to Maine, and Unreal Engine issues, I haven't been able to work on BrVR a ton. However, hope you enjoy this small fun update

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