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Speechbound - A Language RPG Playtest update for 16 September 2023

Patch notes version 0.13.3!

Share · View all patches · Build 12203783 · Last edited 16 September 2023 – 01:09:26 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings Speechbounders!

With the release of the prototype version 0.13.3, we have lots of news and improvements to share with all of you!
We will now offer support through Steam for playtesting! You will be able to ask for keys and then use those keys to get a Playtest version of the game, directly in your Steam library. Through Steam we will be supporting Windows 64 bit, Windows 32 bit, and MacOS with Intel! MacOS Silicon support is under development, but you can still ask for a direct link to play that version if you're on MacOS Silicon!
Android playtesting is being done through the google play store directly, and iOS playtesting is being done through the apple store directly too!
While you can still play the prototype on iOS, we are quite sorry to inform we are having issues with iOS and you won't be able to play the latest version on iOS. We are working on fixing these issues.
For playtesting on mobile, all we will ask for is your email associated with your device account. Remember to send that via DM to Manu, and not on a public channel!
Here is a list with the most important updates and fixes, and we will provide even more accurate and extensive update logs for future updates and releases:

Version system:
Due to the nature of the prototype, new versions often require deleting save data because of data incompatibility between versions (don't worry, this won't be the case in the future!). Because of this, we added a small update in which if downloading a new version, all save data should be deleted automatically. If this doesn't happen, make sure to delete all save data when playing a new version.


  • Added support for newer android versions
  • Prototype watermark added
  • Introductory screens with tutorial for controls added
  • New under-development Graphics options menu for some basic graphics adjustments
  • Version system implementation
  • New improved lighting system with improvements of framerate on the tunnels are of up to a whooping 50%! (of course, your mileage may vary)


  • Bug where sometimes the game would load the player at a different terminal fixed
  • Bugs with first terminal dialogue fixed
  • Lots of errors occurring with the arena music not stopping and behaviour not working properly fixed
  • Other minor fixes

We appreciate all the feedback and encouragement from all of you, and we'll continue to improve the game in the right direction!

Happy gaming,
The Dev Team.

Windows 64-bit Depot 2545801
  • Loading history…
Windows 32-bit Depot 2545802
  • Loading history…
macOS 64-bit Depot 2545803
  • Loading history…
macOS 64-bit Depot 2545804
  • Loading history…
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