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Legends of Idleon MMO update for 16 September 2023

Weekly BATTLES & UI unlocks!

Share · View all patches · Build 12203574 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:25:23 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Each week, a new boss will arrive in World 2 Town!
You'll get to choose between different attacks, buffs, and misc moves for each of your characters, in an attempt to deal as much damage as possible! After all your characters and made their move, you can restart (once a day) and try a different strategy now that you know what moves there are to choose from!

Defeating each boss difficulty rewards TROPHIES, which you can spend here in the shop! The first two are always new UI, and the last two are always items. Shop items reset each week, so there's always something new to spend your trophies on!

Each character can select their own unique UI, so you can further customize all your characters!
UI is the big gray bar at the bottom of the screen btw

If you're too scared to face some of these fierce bosses who miraculously can't attack you back, then you should definitely not check back each week!

Hey you look great today, did you get a new haircut? Anyway there were 319 people who left a comment on the last patch-notes "5000-gem joke contest", and the winner was... honestly a lot of them were borderline concerning but I gave the W to this guy:

(If this is you, send me an email with proof that it's you. You can find my email in the

Also for my fitness bros, I hit a new benching PR of 275 after training for another few months (up from 255 earlier this year)! Unfortunately I have yet to be crushed under 275 1-pound boxes so I haven't put it to good use, but you never know what the future will bring lmao

Enjoy the update!
~lavaflame2 ːsteammockingːːsteamhappyː

Windows 64-bit Legends of Idleon MMO Content Depot 1476971
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Windows 32-bit Legends of Idleon MMO win32 Depot Depot 1476972
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