Update is here! It's one of the biggest updates to MegaFactory Titan. Core gameplay systems have changed, giving players a much greater choice in how they pursue the challenges. Additionally, a huge number of Quality of Life changes have gone into effect.
Graphics Improvements
The lighting model has been improved, with much better specular highlights on the hydrocarbon lakes, the ice, the mountains, and everything in general. Sand is now more realistic-looking and granular. Beaches now have erosion. Ore veins now have a slight gleam. Metal sands glitter. Snow and ice caps shine in the sun.
All structure screens are replaced with holographic screens that always face the camera, no matter how you orient it. Screens also better show the entire contents of warehouses if there are many different kinds of goods within.
Job Board
The mission system has been so heavily reworked such that the entire game balance has changed, making the game somewhat easier, but also giving the players more choice in how they play. Jobs are no longer thrust upon you by the other factions. Instead, factions post a wide variety of jobs to a bulletin board which you can browse at your leisure. As a result, only a select few missions will give you a bonus you can choose, while the rest simply give money. Missions now always fail completely if their time limit runs out, but now you have more freedom to choose when to start their timer, so you can prepare. Missions on the job board are also fulfilled by other factions over time, so don't delay too long to pick a mission!
Vehicle Automation Overhaul
A huge number of improvements have been made to the automated vehicle AI. Vehicles can now squeeze past each other in narrow mountain passes or bridges, and no longer get stuck on other vehicles. Cargo vehicles no longer race other cargo vehicles to make deliveries. Mining vehicles freeze up when a cargo vehicle is near them so it is easier for them to drop off their goods. All vehicles now produce more error messages if things go wrong, and show more in-depth details into their current automation state.
Additionally, cargo vehicles and mining vehicles now have a small number of available filters which must be set in order to automate them. They can't deliver/mine outside of their filters, but larger vehicles have more filters. Manual deliveries and trade missions do not require filtering, but filters can be used if desired.
Cargo vehicles that finish trade requests will return to your headquarters.
Automated Mining
You can now set a mining vehicle to automatically mine a certain resource, and they will search your entire owned land to mine for that resource (starting with the nearest). Bigger mining vehicles can filter multiple resources at a time, smaller ones can only filter a single resource.
Mining vehicles now better interop with cargo transports, which vastly improves the efficiency of using cargo transports directly with mining vehicles.
You can now build floors underneath your factory, which affect structures built on top of them, and vehicles that move over them. Floors may give defensive bonuses against Titanquakes and storms, or increase land vehicle speed, or boost maglev acceleration, or more! Floors can be deleted with the demolish area mode.
Structure Augmentation
You can now install augmentations to certain structures, such as producers, endpoints, and turrets. Several new structure-specific augmentations have been added, such as for improving power usage, adding cache space, etc. Mega Producers now have the bonus of having more aug slots, while mini producers have none.
Quality of Life
Sorting Houses now push out multiple resources at a time. Sorting Houses and Junctions will also push resources out on suboptimal exit routes if all optimal exit routes are currently blocked.
Sorting Houses will never decide to loop between themselves anymore.
When a structure is destroyed and rebuilt, it will remember the settings it had prior to its destruction.
Selecting an automated cargo vehicle will show all possible pickup and dropoff spots, alongside the current pickup and dropoff spot.
Better error messages for all structures and vehicles have been added.
You can now install augmentations directly from the bottom action bar, just like building structures or deploying vehicles. You can also install augmentations from trading posts now too. No need to gather them and drop them off in a friendly warehouse first.
You can destroy filled warehouses, and their contents will simply be stashed in your headquarters.
Storages, cargo transports, and mining vehicles that filter exactly one resource auto-rename themselves to specify that resource.
You now get two starter packages for storages, allowing you to start with both large and small storages. You can also choose to get underground storages at game start, which allow greater storage at the cost of reduced vehicle interoperability.
Easy mode made even easier.
And a huge number of other smaller QoL tweaks, bug fixes, and crash fixes.
Full Changelist (10/15/2023)
- Job board. Faction jobs are all posted to the missions board, rather than factions constantly sending messages at you to do their jobs. Most missions don't have bonuses now. Only a select few do, and they will be marked appropriately in the missions board.
- Significantly increased variety of missions each faction might give you, since all are listed in the bulletin board.
- Missions always fail if the timer runs out, on all difficulty levels. However, because you get them from the job board, you now can prepare accordingly before starting each mission's timer.
- Missions from the job board now get fulfilled over time every day by other factions, so you can't wait indefinitely before picking a mission.
- New Underground Warehouses and Underground Storehouses available at game start. These structures store more than their normal counterparts, and can take more damage, but vehicles load and unload to/from them extremely slowly.
- Storage starter packages now come in two variants, large and small, so you can have a balanced variety of starting storages.
- Existing storages tweaked/rebalanced.
- Floors - You can now build floors over the ground. Stability Floors makes every structure built on top of them highly resistant to Titanquakes and Storms. Smooth Floors increase the speed of any land vehicle moving atop them. Heat Exchanger Floors reduce the waste heat of any structure built atop them. Insulated Floors reduce power usage slightly. Magnetic Floors boost the acceleration of maglevs above them.
- Filters are limited on cargo and mining vehicles now. You can only apply a few filters at a time, which varies by vehicle type. Smaller cargo vehicles have fewer allowed filters.
- Cargo vehicles now need at least one filter to automate deliveries. Manual deliveries do not require filters, but they still can be used.
- Augmentations can be installed on certain structures now too, including Producers, most Endpoints, and Turrets. The starting Mega Producers have 2 slots, the default Producer has 1, and the Mini Producers have none.
- Mega Producer and Mini Producer have reduced advantages/disadvantages, and instead are given more/less augmentation slots.
- New Cache Augmentation for producers, allowing them to store more input and output recipes.
- New Catalyst Augmentation for faster production or research.
- New Insulation Augmentation for reducing power on producers, researchers, and waste disposal.
- New Filter Augmentation for increasing number of filters on your cargo vehicles.
- You can now deconstruct warehouses, but you will need space in your HQ to store their contents if you do so.
- When a structure is destroyed and later rebuilt, it remembers its settings from before it was destroyed. - Cargo vehicles attributes tweaked.
- Factions tweaked/rebalanced. Terrene Legacy now has a bonus to automation filters, other bonuses of factions have been juggled around somewhat. Various starting structure counts tweaked.
- Crisis warning time increased some.
- Sorting Houses and Junctions, if the optimal exit path is temporarily blocked, will push goods out of any suboptimal exit paths rather than temporarily locking up.
- Sorting Houses will push out multiple goods at a time.
- Easy mode made even easier.
AI - Vehicles now squeeze past each other in narrow mountain passes and corridors.
- Automated cargo vehicles now have a checklist of suppliers and demanders, and will make sure to hit every supplier or demander once, ensuring no storage is starved of resources, or no provider gets overwhelmed with resources.
- Cargo vehicles will no longer race other cargo vehicles to be first to pick up supplies. Instead, they will evenly distribute amongst supply sources, and if there are not enough, simply wait.
- Mining vehicles "freeze up" whenever cargo vehicles try to unload them. This prevents cargo vehicles from chasing them while they work, and vastly improves the efficiency of pairing cargo vehicles with miners.
- You can set auto-mining filters on your mining vehicles, which tells them what resources to search for after they've completed their current orders. They will search your entire owned land.
- When your cargo vehicles finish a mission, if they have nothing else to do, they will automatically return to your headquarters.
- Many more minor improvements to cargo vehicle AI.
- When accepting a trash mission, it will auto-accept the 'take trash' option of that faction.
- Factions build their trading posts further away from their "city-center" to avoid traffic jams when trying to deliver vehicles to their trading post.
- Faction population dynamics tweaked.
UI - You can now quickly install augmentations via the bottom menu actions, similar to building structures or placing vehicles.
- You can install augmentations from any structure you control, or directly from trading posts.
- Install Augmentation dropdown tells you have many you have in stock across all structures or trading posts.
- Mining vehicles will auto-rename based on what they are currently mining.
- Cargo vehicles with exactly one filtered resource will auto-rename themselves based on that resource.
- Storages that filter exactly one resource auto-rename themselves to specify that resource.
- Automated vehicles show their automation state to explain why they are doing what they are doing.
- Missions on the job board have additional explanations on how to complete them. For instance, power missions will tell you that you need to buy nearby land to feed them power.
- Reorganized the quick actions to mirror the standard actions menu.
- Delete area mode now deletes floors you've placed (and recovers them).
- Quick Locator and Stats buttons added to top middle ui.
- Call UI replaced with various buttons for interacting with factions in different ways, including the jobs board, as well as quick info on current missions at the job board.
- New button added to top right ui for quickly opening a store of any faction.
- Better error messages. On vehicles, they warn if another vehicle has already taken their job before they could finish. On producers, they warn if an output tube has been blocked for a short while.
- Tweaked the error and warning flashing to be less annoying.
- Selecting a single cargo transport will now show a hovering icon above ALL possible dropoff and pickup spots in your territory, though these will be grayed out compared to its current pickup and dropoff spot. Very useful for catching mistakes like accidentally forgetting to set an automation setting on a warehouse.
- Improved invalid placement error tiles to be less intrusive when building things.
- Improved powerline placement visualizer to be less intrusive.
- Clearing miner automation clears dropoff spots.
- You will get a notification whenever you clear a vehicle's automation by assigning it a move destination via right-click.
- Manually moving a mining vehicle will clear its mining target automation as well as its dropoff automation, and it will send you a notification when you do so.
- Starting a cargo mission disables filters for the duration of that vehicle's mission.
- Messages which mention or suggest you visit a faction's store now give you a button to immediately do so if you'd like.
- Clearly highlight mining areas when selecting a mining vehicle.
- Destinations UI for automated vehicles now shows how full destinations are.
- If you have no stored structures/units/augs of a type, its relevant quick action button will be grayed out and pushed after actions you have stored.
- Tweaked colors on alternate view modes to better highlight terrain features.
- Mission reward choice UI now shows how much of a reward you currently have stored.
Graphics - Lighting model improved. Specular highlights are more physically correct. Specular highlights bloom now.
- Ore veins glitter in the sunlight slightly.
- Hydrocarbon lakes gleam like actual liquid now.
- Beaches are eroded and more detailed now.
- Beach texture reworked to look sandy and gritty.
- Metallic sand glitters more than regular sand.
- Snow gleams like actual snow in sunlight. Ice as well.
- More general terrain graphics improvements.
- The sun follows a different path in the sky now.
- More ambient light in shadowed areas.
- Most building screens replaced with floating hologram screens. These screens now always face your camera, so you can rotate your camera and still see what everything is doing.
- Several structure and vehicle models updated.
Other - Many strings updated.
- Tweaked the volume of certain ambient sounds.
- Bug fix - Fixed flickering "output blocked" icon.
- Bug fix - Fixed bugs with repair trade requests.
- Bug fix - Trash burner now only takes max of 1 item at a time, won't request more.
- Bug fix - Inability to switch trade missions on a truck once another's already active.
- Bug fix - Fixed automated trucks getting stuck from time to time and needing to be reset.
- Bug fix - Removed ability to bind one key to multiple keybindings.
- Bug fix - Exploit which allowed duplication of resources fixed.
- Bug fix - Vehicles refusing to do trade missions on occasion unless close to source.
- Bug fix - Factions properly demand all production structures, including alternatives.
- Bug fix - Overhead floater icons being buried fix.
- Bug fix - Fixed particle wind being out of sync with actual wind patterns.
- Bug fix - Cargo quadcopters can now correctly gather resources from mining vehicles deep inside strip mines.
- Bug fix - Duplicate structure no longer can place a new structure atop itself.
- Bug fix - Building Breakers no longer complain that there is nothing at pickup spot.
- Bug fix - Vehicles gathering the wrong thing to take on a mission fixed, happened if trading post destination wanted multiple things.
- Bug fix - Vehicles spinning wheels in place.
- Bug fix - Mining vehicles sometimes prioritizing far off spots when there are fine spots nearby.
- Bug fix - Cargo vehicle distance priority was reversed incorrectly.
- Bug fix - Text on buttons sometimes missing or incorrectly placed, especially with variable screen scaling.
- Bug fix - Production Power Bonus was not affecting research labs incorrectly.
- Bug fix - Resource floaters not going away after they've been fully mined away.
- Crash fix - Rare tutorial crash fix.
- Crash fix - Rare storms-related crash fix.
- Crash fix - AI Faction Trading Post placement related crash fix.
- Crash fix - Rare tube-related crash.
- Crash fix - Crash on selecting certain wreckages.
- Crash fix - Rare crash deleting and replacing tubes with sorting houses.
- Crash fix - Crash when relocating ruins.
Changed files in this update