Idle Time rework
A new system of collecting & accounting for idle time has been added. It is more flexible (allowing you to 'spend' the idle time whenever you want) and more advantageous (100% of idle time can be collected instead of previous 25%).
When you launch the game, instead of having your idle time processed automatically, you will be awarded Time Tokens based on how long you were away:
60 seconds of idle time will earn you 1 Time Token. Your collected Time Tokens will be displayed at the top-right of the game screen:
Clicking that icon will open up the new Time Management panel. This panel has controls to pause, play, or spend your Time Tokens to fast-forward gameplay ("Turbo Mode")
Turbo Mode will run the simulation 10x faster than normal. The right-most button will activate Turbo Mode Max, which runs the simulation up to 100x faster than normal, although if the framerate starts to suffer it will automatically decrease the multiplier so the computer can catch up.
When in Turbo Mode, 1 Time Token is spent every additional 60 seconds of simulation that is gained. This means that 60 seconds of idle time is stored up as 1 Time Token, and 1 Time Token can be spent to earn 60 seconds of processing - thus capturing 100% of idle time.
This has a number of benefits - it speeds up game launch time by avoiding the required processing delay. It is also more accurate, because it no longer needs to batch simulation ticks together when fast-forwarding time. You can also play the game while Turbo mode is active.
A few more details on this system:
- There is no additional cost to Turbo Mode Max, it's just provided to give the player a "Fast" and "Faster" option based on their preferences. However, since it runs the simulation faster, it will naturally consume Time Tokens faster.
- When the game is paused, Time Tokens will accrue as if the game were closed.
- There are hotkeys for changing Time modes: F1 = Pause, F2 = Normal, F3 = Turbo Mode (10x normal speed), F4 = Turbo Mode Max.
- The Idle Gain perk now increases the maximum number of Time Tokens that can be stored. It increases at 360 Tokens per level (6 hours worth).
- The player also starts with 360 max tokens even with zero levels of the Idle Gain perk.
- Idle Gain Perk has been given two additional perk levels, so the maximum Time Token storage is 5400, or 90 hours worth.
Balance Changes & Improvements
- Removed Knowledge Tome costs from all Infinite research (since limited storage capacity causes issues for increasing costs)
- Added new Omnitemple recipes (including ones that use the Knowledge Tomes removed from Infinite research costs)
- Can now right-click on the “-” buttons to remove all production capacity from that recipe, and right-click on the “+” buttons to add max available production capacity to a recipe.
- Added several new upgrades that lower the cost of Markets by 50% per level cumulatively. They are unlocked by raising specific biome towns to specific levels. This is targeted for endgame players that are having difficulty building enough markets to meet demand.
- Increased ingredient cost of the Omnitemple recipe that uses potions
- Added new icon for Hardware Store
- Various performance improvements
Bug Fixes
- “Build 2 Towns” quest was not having its completion state recalculated on game load, so a player with 2 towns that saved and loaded would not be able to claim the Trading Post reward
- Land and Worker tooltips were not centered
- Production limit of ‘Demand’ was not working for Omnitemple recipes / Knowledge Orbs
- Fixed progress bars for Town Level Quests sometimes displaying progress based on displayed town, instead of the maximum in the world.
- Research for Mana Shard Prospecting was hidden and not completable
- Some tooltips with long text would not correctly extend the height of their row to fit all the next
- (Hotfix 1.87h) Fixed Market Happiness not showing zero when all production capacity removed
Changed files in this update