Hello and welcome to Ortharion: The Last Battle Early Access Update 0.1.
Since it's currently only early access, the game is far from perfect... on top of that I was seriously ill this weekend, so it's impossible to do the last few minor debugs that I had left, but a corrective patch note will come quickly during the week.
I look forward to your feedback!
For those who have already played the latest versions of TLB in prologue version, here are the latest modifications that you will find in this first version of the game :
New content
- Added 3 outdoor areas, each with teleportation pillars, resurrection pillars, Ortharion fragments, bosses, blocking doors.
- Added 3 dungeon areas, with 2 classic dungeons and 1 cave, with items to collect in each.
- Added 6 “Elf” enemies.
- Added 6 “Transformed Man” enemies
- Added 6 “Necromancer” enemies
- Added 6 “Cult of Light” enemies
- Added 6 “Cult of Magic” enemies
- Monster kill achievement have been changed to correspond to monster packs of certain types, instead of individual monsters, reducing the number of kill achievement by 8 (4 in normal kill, 4 in big kill).
- The “Special Skeleton” and “Ranged Orc Warrior” have additional skills.
- The names of the plants have been changed and a total of 15 plants, 15 trees, 15 ores will be exploitable, not all of them will necessarily be available upon release of early access.
- New components as well as leather have been added, these elements just like plants, trees, minerals encourage you to go farming different areas of the game, depending on the components you want to prioritize. New recipes have also been added.
- You start the game with all the in-game recipes already available.
- A Pause game mode has been added when you are on the in-game selection menu, the information is indicated below the interface.
- All map completion achievements are no longer visible on the progress log interface since they are already present on the world map.
- Map completions now contain the bosses in each area, which are visible on each map, with the total.
- Map completions now give stats for each item collected, instead of giving one stat once a set is complete, the goal being that you continue to gain power, while remaining as free as possible in your exploration. Information about the statistics gained is directly added to the top of the world map interface and the statistics are directly earned and visible on your character sheet.
- You will find the harvestable components for your professions randomly on the map instead of always finding the same ones in the same places, the rarities being completely random and each location likely to have an item will have around a 33% chance of seeing an item appear. object. Skills can be added later to know what type of objects you could find, at what distance, what type, etc.
- Slight reduction in time to launch the game (or return to the main menu).
- A bug tracking system has been put in place in case a bug on the backup system is encountered, thus preventing files from being deleted in this type of situation, with an explanatory message to describe the problem. bug on discord. The goal is to never have a backup destroyed.
- Information on the components required for recipes is available without needing to have learned them.
- Visual improvement of several skills.
- Flask of acid is poison category and no longer fire and the visual has been modified.
- The door to the dungeon in the town of Granock recovers 2% life per second instead of 6%.
- The balancing of summons has been revised, they inflict more damage without needing to level up (simply by following the player's level they can inflict 10k+ at level 100, compared to 500 before). They also have a “normal” number of lives so can be killed in less than 20 hits by any normal monster of the same level, prioritizing their survival and summoning new ones will be more important. Leveling up allows you to move up in difficulty levels without too much difficulty, other balancing is still likely to happen, to add talents and equipment to really have specialties around summons, with less base damage, but more once specialized compared to the current version. The AI still needs to be improved.
- You can cross your summons.
- Monster kill successes have been changed to correspond to monster packs of certain types, instead of individual monsters, reducing the number of kill successes by 8 (4 in normal kill, 4 in big kill).
- The debuff skill “Weaken” has been renamed to “Fatigue”.
- The “temporality” debuff skill goes from 1% attack and casting speed reduction to 5% (per stack).
- For enemies: The debuff skill “Slow” increases skill cooldowns, instead of reducing movement speed.
- Several enemy skills have had their damage category revised to better match the visual effects.
- Increased beam rotation speed for puzzles, as well as ball movement speed for puzzles.
- Soul of the Foot Soldier: damage reduced by 20%.
- The first skeleton boss in the crypts has a new attack skill.
- You no longer have level restrictions or Ortharion Shards required to obtain team and legendary gear.
- Staves and wands do twice as much regular damage, which is still 50% of the values of non-magical weapons.
- Spellbooks have twice the magic power and now have energy shields instead of base damage.
- Each point of strength allows you to have 12 in maximum weight.
- The player starts with 80 in maximum weight instead of 70.
- The number of Ortharion Shards required to obtain the 4th and 5th class is reduced from 18 to 12, and from 50 to 40.
- The dungeon and crypts in the town of Granock are level 15 instead of 40, as are the enemies before entering the dungeons.
- The “perpetual energy” skill gives -20% “mana regeneration per second”.
- The combat mage’s “Enhanced Intelligence” skill grants “bonus magic power” instead of “mana regeneration per second”.
- “Ice Storm” skill: the impact zone increases from 3 to 6 meters.
bug fix
- AOE type powers (fire shock, diffuse strike, etc.) can destroy containers.
- The talent interface shows the correct number of talent points when creating a character.
- When the player starts a new character, the guild chest no longer has a block tab if they had already been unlocked before.
- AOE weather skills (blizzard, shuriken) can activate other skills.
- Boars deal damage correctly.
- Talent 545: gives +1 in sentinel, +1 skeleton, +1 wolf.
- The passive skill: “Piercing Aim” correctly increases in level.
- Several skills no longer show duplicate information.