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BreakBlast update for 15 September 2023

Patch Notes - V1.2.0

Share · View all patches · Build 12201277 · Last edited 15 September 2023 – 20:09:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Known Issues

  • Ball destroying blocks without colliding on certain angles.
  • Ball Trail stays green after losing the Aether Buff.
  • Player emissive disappearing in certain angles.
  • Music sometimes fades for a few seconds on the 3rd Boss Battle.

Game Changes

Ball Movement

The ball now can move on any direction, according to how it collides with the geometry in the level. So it's movement is a lot more dynamic and fluid.

Player vs. Ball Interaction

You can now redirect the ball in four angles regardless of the direction you're moving, depending on where the ball hits the platform. As shown in the image below, you'll be able to send the ball in 45º or 22.5º (roughly) to the left or right.

Power-Up Stack

Different power-Ups now stack on top of each other. In other words, if you have the Red Power-Up (Guns) and pick-up the Blue Power-Up(Extend), you'll have both working together.

Boss Battle and Level Balancing

All Boss Fights were balanced and made less difficult, the same apply to some levels.

Block Cannon (Boss 1)

  • All the Unbreakable Blocks where replaced for Resilient Blocks (2 hits to destroy).

Phaser (Boss 2)

  • Most Unbreakable Blocks where replaced for Resilient Blocks (2 hits to destroy).

  • As the Boss will be more exposed after a while, it's Health Points were increased from 3 to 5.

BB3K-0 (Boss 3)

  • All the Unbreakable Blocks where replaced for Resilient Blocks (2 hits to destroy).

  • Cannons shoot frequency was decreased. Before: 3-6 seconds. Now: 6-10 seconds.

  • Cannons collision were removed.

Aether Ball Visual Update
  • New Material for Aether Ball.

Bug Fixes

  • Multiply Buff disabling the Aether Buff Visual.

  • Level Selector sometimes reseting progress on some levels.

Dev Thoughts

First of all, thank you if you're reading this, know that I value your feedback and I want to bring a good experience to the players of this game.

A huge amount of things that I worked on for this update are not listed here because it doesn't affect you directly, but they are essential for this project and for the plans I have for it.

Speaking of which, I'm considering a content update for this game, I have a lot of plans for changing how power-ups work and giving the players more "power". But for this to be possible, I have a lot of work ahead of me as I'll have to rewrite the code base almost entirely, I also need to change the engine verions it is currently running on.

Thank you once again and please stay tunned for more news in the future.

Bug Reporting + Contact

If you find any bugs in the game, please send an e-mail to

You can also DM me on Twitter @ramonzzito

Feedbacks are always welcome as well, but please be reasonable.

Windows BreakBlast Content Depot 1418311
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