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Gas Station Simulator update for 15 September 2023

Genesis of the Employee Update & Live Stream announcement!

Share · View all patches · Build 12200874 · Last edited 15 September 2023 – 17:09:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hey, Gas Jockeys! ⛽

In our last announcement I’ve shared some important information with you about why we’ve decided to move some tools from the Gas Station Simulator: Can Touch This DLC to the base game. If you somehow haven’t seen it yet, make sure to check it out by clicking this link.

In today’s devlog I'd like to delve into the genesis of the Employee Update. So, what are you waitin’ for? Grab your favorite drink and let’s roll!

Genesis of the Employee Update💼

First and foremost, it all started with an analysis of a plethora of your comments. After that we’ve realized that sooner or later some additional employees, as well as the ability to schedule their work time and tasks, will be required.

After the release of the Airstrip DLC, we’ve noticed that there are even more comments stating there is simply so much stuff to do at the same time. This was a crucial moment for our team, as we’ve decided to put the emphasis on that matter and bring you guys the much anticipated employee update.

With that being said, we just wanted to let you know that we’re here for you and we’re constantly checking your comments whether it is on Steam, social media channels, or our discord server. In fact, after the release of the employee update, we’ll be focusing on some other major fixes that were requested. Stay tuned for more information!

We’ll be live streaming🎮

Before we proceed to the end of this announcement, I just wanted to let you know that we’ll be live streaming on September 18th, 2023 at 6 p.m. CEST time. Come and visit us at Gas Station Simulator Steam page. We’ll be showcasing the new Employee Update, answering your comments, and giving away some keys for ya! – How cool is that? Don’t hesitate and mark that date in your calendars, folks!

Stay up-to-date📰

And that’s it for today, gas jockeys! I cannot wait to see you on Monday, when we’ll reveal more about the Gas Station Simulator and its plans for the future. Hope to see you there!

Your humble marketing guy – Sewek

P.S Today marks the 2nd anniversary of Gas Station Simulator, so here is to another wonderful years to come 🥳

Changed depots in qa-branch branch

View more data in app history for build 12200874
Windows Gas Station Simulator Content Depot 1149621
Windows DLC 1940030 Depot 1940034
Windows DLC 2126170 Depot 2126171
Windows DLC 2137370 Depot 2137370
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