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百煉登神Immortal Tales of Rebirth update for 15 September 2023

0.68 Update and Update Plan

Share · View all patches · Build 12200451 · Last edited 15 September 2023 – 15:46:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone! We've rolled out a major update this time, revamping the game's structure and recreating the world map, the entire UI, and introducing a set system. There's a ton of new content, so allow me to break it down for you:

Larger and More Strategic World Map

You can now view other factions on the world map and attack and capture points to obtain unique team bonuses. More of these will be unlocked with increasing control points over time.

Night Parade of One Hundred Demons

Apart from the regular dungeon drops, every 3 days the mode switches to the "Night Parade of One Hundred Demons". In this mode, the dropped treasures are more unique and rare. In our next major update (v0.7), we will further refine this mode, adding more random BUFFs and DEBUFFs to challenge players!

New Equipment System

We've overhauled the equipment system. Now, dungeons will drop equipment for various parts, and these pieces will come with random features that enhance character traits. For instance, there might be a trait that boosts sword skills. This allows for greater character development freedom. Additionally, there's a set system where you can gather specific sets for powerful effects. Expect more equipment updates!

Character Development:

Besides the original attributes, we've added more trait developments and skill specializations. You can now specialize in certain skill types. For instance, using a skill frequently can raise its level, leading to increased damage. Furthermore, you can mold your character to be a close-ranged life-drainer or a ranged glass cannon focusing on critical hits!

New Battle Maps and AI

We've redesigned most of the battle scenes and UI. Now, you can automatically deploy your team and freely adjust your formations. By default, tanks are positioned at the front to block damage, while ranged units are at the back to deal damage. There are also destructible objects in battles. For example, destroying portals can reduce enemy spawns.

Diverse Event Gameplay

Apart from combat and dialogues to progress through events, we've introduced mini-games to complete special events and obtain rare skills and equipment. We'll be adding similar mechanisms in the future to enrich the gameplay.

This update requires a fresh start!

This update enriches character development and modifies the underlying structure for future content expansions. Our next major version, V0.7, will introduce chapter reward systems and refine the Night Parade mode. It's expected to roll out soon. If you don't wish to start anew, you might want to skip this version and let the bullets fly for a while.

Lastly, we're recruiting internal testers to help provide feedback for our next update. If interested, please email us at Thank you all!

(Note: Some cultural and game-specific terms, like "Night Parade of One Hundred Demons", might need contextual adjustments based on your target audience.)

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