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Dead Metal update for 15 September 2023

UI Redo

Share · View all patches · Build 12200289 · Last edited 15 September 2023 – 15:26:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

So the majority of the negative feedback I've gotten has to do with the UI...

And I agree, it needed work. This update fixes a lot of those issues but not all of them quite yet. The multiplayer lobby host/join system is still in need of an update but the in game UI and starting tutorial is far easier to use/navigate with this update. The Inventory / Stat screen got a 100% rework as well as the days of walking around the station to reach different UI pages is gone. Its all navigated from a (hopefully) easy to use computer monitor that both looks nicer and feels much more intuitive.

This is the a look at the new stat screen, all the other UI menus will be updated to this quality over the next week though they already have the same general layout with the different menu options on the bottom of the screen.

Coming up next:

  1. First off as stated above my next project is the host/join in multiplayer. Its going to get a full overhaul and be brought up to the easy to use standard which I'm modeling after other very popular multiplayer roguelike/lites.

  2. New art for planets/stations/systems on the universe map.

  3. Some old art pieces in game that were made very early in development are being replaced.

  4. Quest givers will be added to the station to give players more direction on what to do and even how to find hidden bosses if you do enough quests for them.

  5. Weapon skill is going out the window as a way to unlock abilities, it will just be based on your stats (including armor additions) and the level of the suit.

  6. Trait system in which different events in missions can give semi permanent buffs/debuffs to your suits, these will be able to be fixed in the repair shop along with an all new repair shop NPC to both provide quests and a little bit more lore while you repair your suits.

  7. Much much more but the above is what Im hoping to have done by mid/late October.

As always let me know if you experience and difficulty in game with bugs or otherwise.

Thanks for playing!

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