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フィッシュオアチキン update for 15 September 2023

Pads appear in a flash!

Share · View all patches · Build 12199848 · Last edited 15 September 2023 – 15:09:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

[u][h2]Thank you for your patience, 10 million chicken fans nationwide.


Konnichi kin, it's been a while.
It's time for the first patch note of September.
This time, we have implemented support for the gamepad as much as we can.
Two items have been changed accordingly.
Here are the details of the adjustments

I'm here!

The landing point of the 米ット will now fall at the location where your aircraft was.
This may be strong when used in conjunction with Good Luck, etc.
Furthermore, the damage effect area has been made a little wider.
It should be able to engulf a larger number of Sakana than before.

Mr. Average

The range of the hammer brothers is now a fixed distance.
The hammer is thrown in the direction the cursor is facing.
Also, the time it takes for the hammer to land has been shortened.

Today's mainstay

I managed to get gamepad support.
Left stick to move
Right stick to aim
A button (east for direction) or L1 to decide
Pressing R1 during combat opens the pause menu.

Other improvements

Equipment can now be removed by clicking on the equipment slot in the upper right corner of the screen.

Fish are no longer visible in the UI when moving to the top of the map,
The camera's movement range has been extended vertically.

Existing bugs
The EXIT cursor sometimes shifts.

Windows Depot 2519371
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