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My SuperMarket update for 15 September 2023

09/15 - Bug fixes and improvements

Share · View all patches · Build 12199655 · Last edited 15 September 2023 – 14:09:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Shelf Stockers! 🛒🍎

Today I'm bringing more bug fixes and two small additions to the game that will be expanded in the future.

Before the notes, there is currently a bug when loading your saved game that does not load everything properly and your store will be empty. No furniture, no products, not even lights.

I'm already trying to find the source of the problem and hopefully this will be fixed in this latest version (0.4.33).
If this happens to you, please don't exit to the menu, save the game, or even submit a bug report in-game. Close the game with ALT+F4 and send the save file directly to me via Discord or email to

I'm currently releasing new versions every few hours to get to the bottom of this.
Sorry for this problem! 😞


  • The engine version has been updated to the latest version. This should help with some random crashes that some players were experiencing.
  • Some optimizations have been made to improve performance. This should be especially noticeable as your store grows.
  • The navigation system is now loaded from a pre-generated file instead of being calculated at runtime. This will improve performance and also the frame drops when loading the game or even expanding the store.
  • Added missing translations for the banking application.
  • Reputation drop is now halved. This doesn't mean it's easier to progress, but it's easier to keep your current reputation without dropping too much if things get out of hand.
  • Now there is a real bus stop in front of the shop! 🚏
  • Thieves now move much slower and have a different animation than other customers.

New Services

  • There is a new application in the tablet called 'Services'. This will provide some services that you can hire to improve your store.
  • The first service is 'Security'. With this service you will have 24/7 protection against thieves. Don't hit the cop outside... 👌

Currently, I've planned two more services. One is a delivery service, where you will have to handle some delivery packages to be handed to the deliveryman.
Another is a stock management tool, where you will be able to define a minimum stock for each product and they will be bought when the stock gets below the threshold.

Staff Training

  • Now you can train your employees.
  • You can choose which trait you want to train and the amount of time/money you want to spend. While the employee is training, he will be out of town 🏃‍♂️

Bug fixes

  • Rain in the store? I called the plumber and he fixed it. 😎
  • Fixed an issue where employees would get stuck against each other in the middle of the store.
  • Money changes are now displayed in the bottom left corner in order instead of all at once.
  • Fixed an issue where you could interact with the open/close button from outside the store.
  • Fixed an issue with the store sound announcer after expanding the store.
  • Fixed an issue where the player was disconnected when unlocking a store expansion.

As for the second floor store expansion, I'm still working on it! I just need more time to finish it!
Thanks to all of you who continue to help improve the game! ❤️❤️❤️

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