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Conqueror's Blade update for 15 September 2023

Optimization Campaign [Project Nirvana]: Journal #1

Share · View all patches · Build 12199364 · Last edited 15 September 2023 – 13:39:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Warlords!

In the latest update released on September 14th Conqueror's Blade has implemented the first round of performance optimization within [Project Nirvana] optimization campaign.

Since the update on September 14th, Conqueror's Blade has achieved the following optimization goals:

1. Video Memory Optimization:

In both high and medium-quality settings, video memory usage in Conqueror's City has been reduced by approximately 1.5GB, and by 1.0GB on average across other maps. This substantial reduction in video memory usage is a step toward enhancing client stability, resulting in fewer crashes and forced closings.

2. Texture Loading Optimization: Additional Video Memory Usage -50%

A new feature has been developed for high and medium-quality settings. It allows the system to use textures with lower resolution, resulting in a mere 1/4 of the video memory usage compared to the highest resolution settings. By fine-tuning model details and optimizing texture quality, we've made significant strides in efficiently reducing video memory usage by 50%. By adjusting model details and optimizing texture quality, video memory can be efficiently reduced on Warlords' PCs.

3. Customizable Texture Quality: A New Setting Added

Warlords can now select their preferred texture quality based on their PC configurations. We've retained the highest-quality texture settings for those with high-end setups. Players can effortlessly switch between high, medium, and low texture settings within the [Texture Settings] under the display options, allowing them to tailor the game's texture quality to their liking.

4.Lighting Optimization: Lighting Rendering Impact on Latency in Conqueror's City Reduced by 80

The development team has optimized the number of lights in multiple maps. Various lighting configurations have been implemented for different graphics settings, significantly decreasing the proportion of light resource consumption while maintaining the overall visual quality.

5. Client Size Reduction: ~10GB

Following the update, the Conqueror's Blade client size has been reduced by approximately 10GB, resulting in a total size of around 39GB.

These optimizations have been implemented with the primary aim of enhancing your Conqueror's Blade gaming experience. We sincerely appreciate your unwavering support and hope that these improvements contribute to smoother and more enjoyable gameplay for all our players.

Best Regards,
Conqueror's Blade Developers

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