Hello. Old players may recognize a familiar building in the maps, but the functionality of it is very different. The Forge (using a previous blacksmith sprite asset) allows you to enhance weapons with elite skulls. While giving the player more powerful builds, it also adds another purpose for skulls as currency beyond the purchase of power-ups.
A recent criticism over the player dying of getting one-hit by a projectile made me make some changes around it. I know it sucks having a good run end with a sudden big hit that drains all your health. The system is more forgiving now with player health dropping to 1 first (minimum health has to be at least 20). E.g. assuming you're hit with a projectile that normally does 45 damage and you have 30 health then you're left with 1 health instead of dying. This principle is applied to damage from normal enemy hits as well. I've also added a new setting that shows the player hitbox if you're curious about it or think it seems weird/unfair.
- New Building: Forge - Enhance your weapons with the power from elite skulls
- New Item: Black Diamond - Double the effects of the first forged weapon in your inventory
- New Power-up: Blacksmith - Reduced skull cost at the Forge
- New Weather event: Blood Moon - Strong enemy activity
- New Setting: Player collision mask (default: Off)
- Weapons and Items can be reordered now as well from the Character screen
- Player can no longer get one-hit and die by enemy or their projectiles if having more than 20 health
- Road map is longer/wider
- Enemies will knockback even though they're dead/dying (a visual thing only)
- Weather effects are briefly explained in a subheading when they occur
- Added Vietnam flag to leaderboards
- Sacrifice altar math was broken and took more health than should have, resulting in instant player death with low health characters. Whoopsy - not quite the sacrifice I had in mind!
- Sun Stone bonuses did not show in the character info total damage numbers
Changed files in this update