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Helicopter Gunship DEX update for 14 September 2023

Mission Expansion Beta Update

Share · View all patches · Build 12191191 · Last edited 14 September 2023 – 19:09:21 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

This update adds the following...

  1. Gazelle helicopters can now load 250kg of cargo into their rear compartment so they can be used on cargo supply missions.

  2. Gazelle rear doors now open/close

  3. Updated all helicopter A.I. station keeping code to take into account the lower drag settings. This should stop them for sliding around while hovering.

  4. A.I. pilots will now pitch forward less as they don't need to be so aggressive with the new drag settings.

  5. Cargo missions can be completed in stages. e.g. If you need to deliver 500kg then you can do it using 2 Gazelles each carrying 250kg of cargo. This is actually a super important addition to the mission planner as it will be required when dropping large numbers of troops in to battle.

  6. Optimised the "HERO" interior so that it has waaaaay less fidelity when the helicopter is being piloted by the A.I.

  7. Fixed a bug with the M1A1 map icon which would go massive when zooming the threat display in!

  8. The Damage M1A1 tank mission now has a blue flare marking your landing position making it much easier to land close enough to unload the cargo.

  9. Fixed a bug in the "Player Bubble" code which cause the 1st 100 units to remain active when they shouldn't be. This will increase overall performance a bit.

Changed depots in missionexpansion branch

View more data in app history for build 12191191
Windows 64-bit Depot 2012141
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