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一个小镇 update for 14 September 2023

First update

Share · View all patches · Build 12190717 · Last edited 14 September 2023 – 16:59:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Update content:

  1. I redrawn all character sketches and added emoticons.
  2. You can have basic interaction with NPC now (it's really basic).
  3. Added some unimportant NPCs (atmosphere group members, really unimportant).
  4. The nightclub has practical functions now (don't get excited).

Regarding bug feedback,provide the following explanation:
I can see the discussion area of STEAM, but I can't reply. I even used VPN, but it didn't work.
So I will respond uniformly to the questions raised in the discussion area in the announcement.

Reply to the question raised in the discussion area about "toilet peeping may get stuck":
After repeated testing and testing on different computers, I did not find this bug and did not use any additional scripts.
My suggestion for this is to update the game runtime content.
I regret that this issue has not been effectively resolved.

Draw a pie:
Still like the old three

  1. Join multiple languages in the future.
  2. Join dynamic CG in the future.
  3. Join more characters in the future.
Windows Simplified Chinese Depot 2471892
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