In this update, we have added loot items with connected quest lines. Some are repeatable, with valuable rewards upon completion, while others allow you to obtain new items. One of these items is the exotic knife Beastmaster, which opens the ability to skin pets and begin feeding them one level earlier. Additionally, your companions have learned to steal treats from your loot, gaining experience and additional temporary effects.
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Update 2.2.347. Changelog
- Added items to loot and corpse containers that allow you to start connected repeatable quests with valuable rewards upon completion.
- Added the ability to skin pets, enabled when you equip the exotic knife "Beastmaster," which you can obtain through item-quest lines. You can still use active effects to reduce item durability consumption to avoid paying for repairs.
- Pets now have the ability to steal treats from your loot, gaining experience in the process and additional temporary effects. Added one to teach this ability to animal trainers.
- Added an option in the game settings for chat opacity.
- Added the ability to apply unstable essence to a non-transferable pet to unlock journal bonuses: feeding bonuses and reaching the maximum level (applies to pets released before the journal update - Anglerman pet now).
- Added river fishing zones near the Forest of Futile Regrets.
- Skeleton warriors and slingers drop bones now.
- We fixed an issue that prevented using quest-related items when the character was fully satiated.
- Fixed auto-completion of quests.
- Fixed an issue with the journal requirement for unlocking the bonus for catching Palomino-spotted horses.
- Fixed a sorting issue with tamed pets and old animals.
- Ent's Living acorn no longer drops upon death.
- Changed the rarity frame for perch to make it appear more common.
- Fixed the icon for pike soup, which needed to be more distinguishable from salmon chowder.
- Corrected the inaccurate display of caught fish weight in rare cases due to incorrect rounding.
- Optimized container handling and item sorting.
Changed files in this update