Greetings Voiders,
Please report any bugs on the Official Devoid Prototype Discord.
Its also a great place to tell us what you like, dislike and would like to see in the Void.
Fixes in 0.7.10
- Project item progress bars overlapping on the right side of Project Menu.
- If one player saves in split-screen while other is docked the Flight HUD gets enabled.
- Training Menu loses focus if all skills have been learned.
- Reworked Delivery Mission.
- Miscellaneous fixes and improvements to UI.
- Various fixes to AI behavior and collision avoidance.
- Ship hull value not correctly saved when warping.
- Faction standings are not being added to player 2 correctly.
Changes in 0.7.10
- Added “Show Buttons” toggle to settings menu to show/hide on screen controls.
- Added color to mission waypoints on star map.
- New missions now take 15-30 minutes to become available.
- Target Box info text scales by distance.
- Added unlock confirmation and popup to Prototypes menu.
- Added dynamic camera Field of View based on ship speed.
- Moved Logbook to Map Gui (radial->right->Logbook).
- Added Ship info panel to ISM Gui (radial->left->Ship Info).
- Select mission waypoint on set mission active.
- Select next closest patrol waypoint when current waypoint is hit.
- Removed ability to sell to market directly from Cargo Hold, items now must be in ship inventory to be sold.
- Players can now dock with Operations Decks without clearance given the door is open.
- AI Dock Spawn is now staggered.
- Better UX in Skills menu.
- Docking and services now refused at hostile bases/outposts and they will attack on sight.
- Crate drop rates are now random and mutated by Outlaw Ally Perk – Increased crate drop rate.
- Tweaked all AI spawn rates.
In Progress 0.7.10+
- Improvements to graphics, lighting, and colors.
- New Codex Entries.
- General improvements to AI.
We appreciate all your feedback and support!
Safe Travels.
Changed files in this update