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Grim Realms update for 14 September 2023

Patch - Visibility, storage bug fix + some prettier UI

Share · View all patches · Build 12187361 · Last edited 14 September 2023 – 16:33:22 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

There was a very annoying bug in which storages did not register food being taken out, which caused them to becoming "full" despite clearly not being that. So I fixed this, decided to patch the game and you get some new stuff as well:

  • A new menu which gives a nice overview of the settlement.
  • Settlement visibility is now a thing, meaning that even remote settlements can get more events if you grow them tall and add braziers, torches etc.
  • Accessability is clearer explained when seletcing a place for a new settlement, so you can actually see 'Average days between events'.
  • A few UI buttons and menus have been made prettier. The work menus at the bottom will blend with the customized UI-colors.

Best wishes and lots of love! <3

PS: Maybe now the long wait (maybe month long) for the next big patch, can begin!

EDIT: A previous version of this patch caused a crash when starting a new game - this has been fixed!

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