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Blow Away Survivors update for 14 September 2023

Update to ver0.4.0 on September 14, 2023

Share · View all patches · Build 12186883 · Last edited 14 September 2023 – 11:26:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

  • Add a new character "Maverick"!
     -Character characterized by guarding and counterattacks
     -Powerful counterattack when taking damage while guarding
     -Damage taken is reduced by 50% while guarding and counterattacking
     -Damage taken while guarding and counterattacking is added to the power of the counterattack.
     -Absorbs 2% of the damage dealt to the enemy by the counterattack and recovers its HP.

  • Skills
     -Added a new skill "Dynamic Bullet" that is activated when performing a manual attack!
     -To make manual attacks more enjoyable, some skills that are activated over time have been changed to be activated when a manual attack is made!
     -Cool time of many auto-triggering skills revised upward.
     -Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the effect of Energy Burst Ball from being triggered when a manual attack was made on the "Energy Burst Ball

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the character "Knight" from blowing up enemy projectiles hit by evasion attacks.

  • Added outlines to player (+supporter) and boss
     -The density of the outlines can be changed in the settings.

  • Adjusted camera shake intensity to vary depending on camera distance.

  • Changed the number of heal kits that can exist in the field at the same time from 10 to 3.
     -The shop skill "Heal Drone" is not activated when 3 kits are present.
     -A function will be added to the UI in a future update to indicate when a heal kit is off-camera.

  • Fixed a bug that the store skill does not change color in the UI even if it is at lvl max

  • Loading history…
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