Yes, the coop mode now is completed. But there are still missing bug fixes, more content, quality of life (reconnect, disconnect, ...) and there might still be stuff that wont work correctly. Please report that stuff such as prestige items or other ... Thank you for the support!
- Recources working now on stick map (online coop)
- Host now takes control over gameobjects if someone leaves
- Gameobjects are not working on host after takeover (purpose)
- Prework for rejoin / reconnect is done
- Freeze color works now (ice / movement slow) online coop
- Ranged beasts not dancing around towers anymore
- Holy hit while holyed + effectresistance cause movement stop
- Implemented: Moduleupgrade online coop
- Implemented: Combinefactory online coop (all combined modules)
- Implemented: Modulerecycling online coop (whole process)
- Online Message for all players: Bossbeast attacks a target player
- Blastroxx bossbeast faster attacking, more health
Changed files in this update