This week’s update sees some love for Outpost mode, although these new features (such as Shields and Resource Packs) are also useful in every game mode.
Notable Improvements
- Added a fix to prevent prospectors falling through the terrain around crevasses in arctic biomes
- Exotic Resource spawning has changed. Now at least one Red Exotic Vein is always guaranteed on Prometheus
- Fixed an issue which was causing giant or tiny prospectors after interacting with the Terrenus mount
- SMPL3 Quests now grant some Ren as a reward
- SMPL3 Quests are now triggerable on Outposts
This Week: Outpost SMPL3 Quests & Ren Rewards
One part of the launch of our Icarus: New Frontiers expansion we’ve been pleasantly surprised about is the popularity of Outposts. Outposts are smaller custom maps with fewer threats and regenerating resources that are ideal for building bases in or simply a more chilled game experience. We added several new Outpost maps when we launched New Frontiers and are adding a new one, Arcticus, today.
To give you even more to do on Outposts, you can now do SMPL3 Quests from the Outpost game mode. As always, you can do them in Open World mode too.
Furthermore, SMPL3 Quests now provide anyone online at the time of completion a Ren reward, to spend in the orbital workshop. Prospectors will receive 10 Ren for easy, 20 Ren for medium and 30 Ren for hard quests.
This applies in both Open World and Outpost modes.
This Week: UDA Resource Supply Drops
Want to get a head start on resource gathering?
The UDA have added UDA Resource Supply Drops to the Workshop, so you can buy a pack of resources with Ren and bring them down to the planet in your loadout with you or call them down using the Orbital Exchange Interface.
They’re perfect for getting resources sooner on Outposts, but are available in any game mode. Wood, Stone, Oxite, Sulfur, Silica, Platinum, Titanium and Coal Resource Supply Drops are available. They may be pricey, but provide quick access to resources if you have the Ren.
New Content: The ARCTICUS Outpost
One of our Outposts we released wasn't ready in time for the New Frontiers launch but it has been finished and added this week, this time featuring the Tundra biome introduced in the Prometheus map.
The Arcticus Outpost is a handcrafted 1x1km tundra map with lots of great spots for a base. Its scenic landscape of slopes gently downward into a large valley with deep crevasses and lightly snow-dusted forests. Looking up, you'll find an imposing mountain that overlooks the spacious valley below which is home to an impressive number of caves.
You can buy it as DLC separately or as part of the Outposts Bundle.
This Week: Two New Shields
Higher tier shields that protect you during more challenging encounters are here.
The Carbon Fiber shield, available at Tier 3, is strong but agile. Its strength blocks up to 90% of enemy damage while still having a decent block radius (90%).
The large Composite Tactical Shield, available at Tier 4, has a wide block radius (200%) and the same strength as the Steel Shield (a 75% block percentage).
Coming Soon: Hypatia
Some of this week’s changes prepare things for our next big free update, named Hypatia.
Hypatia will let you trigger Operations on Open World mode in every map. Operations in Prometheus' Open World mode have proven very popular, so we’re adding them to the Olympus and Styx maps. This is a big step that essentially combines the focus and rewards of Icarus' Missions with an Open World where you can keep your base permanently.
This week’s changes to the SMPL3 Quests being able to earn Ren and be triggered from any game mode allow us to start implementing Operations on every map.
Next Week: One Upgradable Mission Device (C0NT4CT)
We will soon have SMPL3 Quests, Operations and Missions available for every map. To keep things simple we’re introducing a single device (C0NT4CT) that you can upgrade to access each of them. As you upgrade C0NT4CT, it will become your one-stop shop for Operations and Quests and to access Missions from the surface too. You’ll only need one mission device instead of three.
Support our Project
If you like what we’re doing with Icarus, and want to support our continued development, consider purchasing one of our DLCs for a few dollars, it would mean a lot to us.
Changelog v2.0.3.116006
New Content
- Adding new UDA Resource Supply Packs in the workshop
- Adding ability to do SMPL3 Quests on Outposts
- Updated recipes and stats for all new shields, unlocked Composite and Carbon Fiber shields
- Update durability on new shields
- SMPL3 Missions can now reward Ren
- Added new SMPL3 Mission Complete popup that tells you how much Experience and Ren were earnt by completing the mission
- Set SMPL3 mission Ren rewards to 10/20/30 for easy/normal/hard difficulties
- Adjusting the Names and Weights on the UDA Resource Packs
- Added mission completion exp icon
- Adding Ren Reward UI element to the Dynamic Quest Selection Display
- SMPL3 Quests are triggerable on Outposts & Open Worlds but not Mission Mode
- Fixed SMPL3 mission Ren reward being scaled by mission difficulty twice
- Adjusted Drac carry animation to better line up with the players hands, needs investigation as to why the legs no longer move with locomotion anims while being carried
- Adding saddle creak clink audio for riding saddled mount. Audio and event, no current implementation
- Update the current storm weather warning to show the current storm tier icon
- Added time on prospect to inventory screen, so players on persistant prospects can know their time on that prospect. Works for all game modes
- Fix creature vocalisations not playing for clients if AISetup row hasn't been set to a default in the creature character blueprint. Tweaked AIVocalisationComponent initialisation flow so that it works more reliably for both server and clients
- Fixed fishing in prometheus arctic (Adjusted the spawn config colour json to match the actual colours in the heightmap for prometheus arctic biome)
- Added Salt based Gunpowder recipe, requiring 1 salt, 1 charcoal and 1 spoiled plant
- Added refund for Inert Volatile Substance to grant 1 salt
- Added RefundOnly recipe set to be used to allow refunds but no crafts
- Applied correct textures for Acidic Gland material
- Fixed Frozen Ore using Fiber drop mesh
- Update names of Obsidian, Cold Steel and Miasmic Throwing Spears to be correctly named Javelin
- Added half pitch icons to clay brick half item icons
- Added data table validation function to throw a warning when colors in the spawn map are mismatched with the spawn zones colors
- Added Platinum and Titanium Deep Mining Ore Materials and Textures
- Adding biome specific grasslands rain event which automates based on intensity giving a better feel for storms and more appropriate for the biome
- Fix Caves Not Listed In Prometheus Bestiary
- Lowered Miasmic Arrow break chance to 10% from 20%
- Fixed Obsidian and Cold Steel Arrows break chance from 90% to 15/10%
- Added attachment slots to all Sledgehammers
- Quests now only call the event 'QuestAbandoned' when actually abandoned instead of also when quest ends normally.
- Mission 6 clean up (Both traitors, 3 cave icons, G15 device, 5 blood clues) all get deleted when their parent quest gets deleted.
- G15 camp and base now persist after mission is completed but destroy after you abandon the quest
- Level clean up of painted foliage ore (developer purple)
- Removed duplicate lava voxels from cave in Purple dev quad. Added new utility widget to aid in tracking down foliage instances that are placed in the same world location
- Removed more duplicate voxel foliage from Developer quads Blue, Green, Purple
- Fixed mounts not eating from food troughs with only Animal Feed in them
- Exotic node spawn locations no longer have to be authored in each D_ProspectList row; an absence of defined spawns will mean that all in-bounds meta spawn locations are selected from. In the case where all meta spawns are valid, at least one red exotic is guaranteed on Prometheus terrain
- Fix an editor utility that has broken the build
- Fix an issue where players would grow after mounting a horse
- Swapped Left and Right window icons for new building pieces, as they were flipped
- Fixed Larkwell Ballistic Bolt having 0 break chance
- Fixed Miasmic Throwing Knife showing as Titanium Throwing Knife
- Fixed a crash case when leaving a prospect via dropship
- Prevented voxel rebuilds of fully mined voxels during loading of map tiles
- Stone voxels that are fully mined are no longer saved as they can't be regenerated by a Thumper later
- Prevented retaining recorders triggering an async flush due to renaming
- Removed invalid pins in W_EditorUtility_QuickSelect to fix build validation
- Fixed issue with nav jump links for crevasses causing contained level to never get properly garbage collected
- Moved level garbage collection check from game state to game instance
- Temporarily disabled jump links on crevasses as it was causing the map tile to not be able to be garbage collected after unloading. This was then causing map tiles with cravasses to not be able to stream back in correctly if returned to, resulting instead in only the LoD for that map tile being shown (which has no collision)
- Adjusting Costs for UDA Resource Packs
- Adding new WorldStat IsOutpost for quick lookup
- Un-flipped weather icon of current weather event. Icon now correctly shows the same orientation as expected
- Prometheus: Fixed Exploration missions using Beachday weather pattern, now correctly use MidPeak to have varied weather
- PRO_Story_1: Updated weather to use MostlyMild, slightly more varied than Beachday (adds an extra +1 tier storm)
- PRO_Story_2: Updated weather to MidPeak instead of Beachday, to bridge the gap between mission 1 and 3
- MAGMATIC: Updated weather to Suprise_Mild, notably this adds a +2 tier storm
Future Content
- Added lava hunter stone statue material, textures and static mesh
- Rotated a Cave in C1 to prevent players being stuck in the underwater animation and Fixed a Seam between the landscape and a Cave, Tecton
- Updated Equix trophy with mesh masks and improved Gfur LODs
- Updated blueback trophy with mesh masks and improved Gfur LODs
- Added art assets and blueprint for Drac trophy
- Added art assets and blueprint for Stonejaw trophy
- Added cliff meshes & blended in meshes in Ice Sheet Yellow Quad on Prometheus
- Landscape Sculpting Pass and Cliff Pass and Fixed a Seam between cliffs and landscape, Purple Quad and Red Quad, Prometheus
- Small improvements and adjustments to spear and arrow impacts after velocity removal. Created generic throw event to be used if necessary to improve throw intensity. Not currently in use
- LC Macros - tweaks to snow materials, added mesh variants of macros with snow materials
- Added cliff meshes & blended in meshes in Ice Sheet Yellow Quad on Prometheus
- Landscape Sculpting Pass and Cliff Pass and Fixed a Seam between cliffs and landscape, Purple Quad and Red Quad, Prometheus
- Adding non-voxel versions of SML and MED LC rocks for Phase 3 prototyping and testing
- Added chala trophy to the project
- Added chamois trophy to the project
- Added roat trophy to the project
- Added cave worm trophy to the project
- Added pronghorn trophy to the project
- Ice Building Tier prototyping - added MA_BLD_ICE, WIP replacement textures for stone wall kit
- Submitting in progress developer assets
- Added cliff meshes & blended in meshes in Ice Sheet Yellow Quad on Prometheus
- Landscape Sculpting Pass and Cliff Pass, Red Quad, Prometheus
- Log a hash of pak file detail on the title screen
- Updated naming of the proghorn trophy shaders to correct naming
- Change the way hashing is generated for meta pak details (use UTF-8 string encoding)
- Submitting in progress developer assets
- Added arid striker trophy to the project
- Added snow striker trophy to the project
- Added crocodile trophy to the project
- Added cliff meshes & blended in meshes in Ice Sheet Yellow Quad on Prometheus
- Landscape Sculpting Pass, Added New NOVOX PFS, Adjusted The Rock Values and Cliff Pass, Red Quad, Prometheus
- Setting up and Adding Larkwell Armor Alpha (current stat setup is fall damage mitigation, stamina regen and overencumbrance penalty reduction, subject to change), feature locked out
- Adding Item Icons for the Larkwell Alpha Armor Set and adjusting talents
- Added DEP_T2_Communication_Device with animations
- Adding Workshop 'MXC Cot' adjusting stats and adding workshop talent and price, feature locked for now
- Landscape Sculpting Pass and Cliff Pass, Red Quad, Prometheus
- Adding Rustic / Raw Wood Lamp
- Adding Rustic Signs and their 3 variations, feature locked out for now
- Added brutalist living chair to the project
- added brown bear armor, BP for gfur, 1st and 3rd peson sk meshes, materials and textures
- Added Brutalist bed and brutalist base materials and textures to the project
- Adding Brown Bear Armor, Feature locking out for now
- Replaced brown bear armor 1st person arms with correct rig
- Added cliff meshes & blended in meshes in Ice Sheet Yellow Quad on Prometheus
- Adding Inaris Canteen, feature locking out
- Adding Chefs Backpack, Farmers Backpack, Explorers Backpack, Icebox Backpack, Medic Backpack and Tech Backpack Items and Workshop Talents, Feature Locking out
- Added Deep Mining Ore materials and textures for Oxite, Salt, Stone, Clay, Scoria, and Obsidian
Changed files in this update