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Football Coach: College Dynasty update for 15 September 2023

Update v0.18.0: Custom logo image support!

Share · View all patches · Build 12184555 · Last edited 15 September 2023 – 16:46:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This update has a good mix of bug fixes, quality of life improvements, UI improvements, and one big feature: custom logo support for saves!

With this update, you can go to "Game Settings" (found in the top right orange football menu), and scroll down to configure a custom images folder for your save. If set, the game will try to use those local image files for all team, conference, and bowl logos. This allows you to customize your league much further, to mimic real life or to create new fun fictional leagues.

Team logos are used everywhere in game, wherever you currently see the circle + abbreviation for each team, including on the field. Conference and bowl logos are used in a few pages, as well as on the field during CCGs and bowls. Additionally, this will work for new AND existing saves; just head to "Game Settings" to set it up (and see more below).

When you go to configure this images folder, feel free to click "Learn more" about how this local folder should be structured. When you change the folder, make sure you select the parent folder, which should have four subfolders: 'teams', 'conferences', 'bowls', and 'playoffs'.

If you're looking for an image folder set that someone else has already made, the best way is via the Discord, which has a new #custom-images channel. If you'd like to join the Discord, you can do so here: I'll also try to encourage people to post on Reddit (/r/FootballCoach) and the Steam forums with image folder links.

There are many other improvements in this update, including replacing the old/ugly scrollbar with a new one, new sorting options for recruits, a better team stats table, and lots of bug fixes. Thanks for reporting bugs on the Discord, Reddit, and Steam!

  • Add custom image support for teams, conferences, and bowls
  • See new option in the "Game Settings" page, this works for new AND existing saves
Minor improvements:
  • Add 'View Stadium' button in school page to see field
  • Add school logos to award winners and top performers pages
  • Replace ugly scrollbar with new skinny/dark one
  • Add links to update news list
  • Add dialog to see all game tips (see Game Settings page)
  • Add sorting for recruit priorities (proximity to home, playing time, etc)
  • Change stadium field text to use mascot for right endzone
  • Improve team stats table in Box Score tab of games
  • Reduced number of free scholarship cuts slightly (2-3 less depending on difficulty)
  • Add week/year to app error text for better reporting
  • Make certain weeks more resilient to invalid DB state
  • Change offer scholarship button text to be more clear (now says "offering scholarship")
Bug fixes:
  • Fix endzone text size when <4 characters
  • Fix schedule visit dialog point estimates being incorrect during preseason
  • Fix issue where players would ask for 0 targets next year
  • Fix how 'wants to leave home' is calculated for team interest scores

Thanks for playing!

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