Patch Notes for version 1.3
Release date: 2023/09/14
Area Balance
Balance Breakdown - Before we add new content to Bawk Bawk we are doing our best to make sure our current content is to a high standard. We have adjusted and nerfed a lot of blocks in Messy Muds and Lethal Lava to be perfectly balanced as all things should be. Our intentions are to allow you to get further, promote good play with eggs and have more fun on these levels.
Time Slow
Tick Tock It’s Time Slow O’Clock - Time slow has been adjusted with the intention of making it more useful and reducing the likelihood of being slowed by nearby obstacles that you won’t hit.
The Nitty Gritty
Item Adjustments
- Glasses - Increased slow scale from 30% to 45%.
- Slippers - Increased slow scale from 50% to 75%.
- Party Hat, Hand Bag and High Heels - Star Power effectiveness now increases by 10% per star collected in the current run, up to 150% on the 3rd red star. Star Power now increases the boost duration not the speed, giving the player more control over the boost. Jump and boost amounts have been slightly adjusted.
- Pizza Hat, Backpack, Guitar and Hiking Boots - Boost Power now increases the boost duration not the speed, giving the player more control over the boost.
Quality of Life
- Tutorial now uses the correct jump hold icons when space is jump.
- Tutorial guide animations now show where bawk and dash indicators are on the HUD.
- Tutorial walls are now more central and easier to rotate towards.
- Tutorial will now always be played with game speed of 1 or below even if chili is set higher.
- Tutorial now makes sure the player has a bawk/jump/dash when hitting a time slow.
- Tutorial now will make the chicken itemless during the tutorial.
- Increased trampoline count at end of tutorial to make them harder to miss. All tutorial trampolines are now floor trampolines.
- Stone circles have been replaced with new ones with more space to walk through. Now each rock rotates and scales individually and has a chance to not spawn.
- Reduced the amount of horses.
- Reduced the amount of normal, small and tiny frogs.
- Reduced the amount of capybaras and increased their block length.
- Pallet arches are now bigger and easier to go through.
- Now 40% of logs never dip (from 20%).
- Logs that don’t dip are darker and ripple animates slower.
- Adjusted egg locations for logs to only be on those that never dip.
- Boat boosts now have the boost icon.
- Reduced the amount of cows.
- Land reeds are now lower in the ground allowing the player to see past them easier.
- Adjusted reed egg location to not teach players into going through them into crocodiles.
- Adjusted croc eggs to be further away from danger.
- Reduced the amount of geysers (land, lava and near paths).
- Geysers should now be more central and overlap less (land and lava).
- Increased lava geyser min length (to reduce small jumps) and reduced max length (decrease too long jumps)
- Increased land geyser block length and now stable over config difficulties.
- Adjusted egg locations for clumps of dashable pots.
- Reduced multiblock amount of spikes and increased block length at the cost of safety distance.
- Increased the safe distance on lava paths from 4 to 5.
- Meteors now can only speed up and not slow down.
- Meteors minimum flight speed has been increased to 2 seconds which should reduce the amount of super fast meteors at the start of levels.
- Purple meteors now exist earlier in the level they are just rare.
- Increased hex wall block length.
- Adjusted lava plumes egg locations.
- Reduced the amount of spires.
- Snakes now have rope indicators.
- Increased Snakes block length and reduced the spread factor.
- Reduced the amount of snakes.
- Clucky now gets a little coyote time (hangs in air before falling) between jumps/glides and after boosts to help players reach consistent jump heights on faster speeds.
- Trials now have their own special safety blocks - pebble grass, tree grass, sprinkler grass, exploding barrels grass, wheat grass, reeds grass, geyser grass. These safety blocks should spawn more consistent amounts over different lengths.
- Wheat safety block is thinner and now no longer hides water and lava edges beside them.
- Boost invulnerable time has been adjusted to be Boost Time + 1 second. Overall players should feel more comfortable taking boosts even at higher game speeds.
- Giant Clucky can now jump off floor trampolines.
- Going through a boost now removes current gravity.
- Going through a boost now refreshes your jump count.
- Dashing over terrain of different heights should now be more consistent.
- All in level icons (trampoline/boost/dashable) are now 25% bigger.
- Feet equipment have all been adjusted to reduce model clipping.
- Feet equipment animations have been adjusted to reduce model clipping.
- Super hair now dimly glows.
- Trampoline colliders are now bigger.
- Clucky can now jump when muddy. However, being muddy lasts longer and drastically reduces jump power and glide time.
- Reduced zoom slow to be 10% slow (90% speed).
- Time slow based on the distance to the closest obstacle is now more accurate. Forward distance means more than side distance meaning you’ll go slower if the obstacle is in front of you rather than beside.
- Time slow is now a parabolic curve instead of linear meaning you should get less caught on objects that are close but not too close.
- Time slow is now increased when dashing or boosting to compensate for the extra speed.
- Time slow now only occurs in the last 0.5s of invulnerability so you don’t get caught on obstacles mid boost when you can just go through them.
- Time can now be slowed faster helping it remain useful at fast speeds or on devices with low framerates.
- Time slow eases back to normal speed slower to give you time to get back into the groove.
- Time slow should be more consistent for bigger chickens.
- Time slow has been reduced from 2s base to 1s base and regen decreased from 0.0083/s to 0.0055/s.
- Time slow now has a minimum amount required to be able to start slowing time. The indicator changes colour when falling below this threshold.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some issues with block cloning for multiblocks.
- Fixed a bug where top barrels beside single barns could be floating. They now get destroyed when the bottom barrels are bawked.
- Fixed a bug where time slow triggered on dirt underneath grass or islands when landing safely above them.
- Fixed a bug where random orientation lava plumes had an incorrect config set and was spawning normal lava plumes.
- Fixed a bug where time slow scale stat was actually reducing the speed at which you move towards your max slow. Whoops!
- Fixed a bug where you got sent into the floor when dashing through boosts in Frantic Farms.
- Fixed a bug where one trampoline bounce counted as more than one professional bounce. You get Professional Bouncer, You get Professional Bouncer, Everyone gets Professional Bouncer!
- Fixed a bug where the last sign selected in level select didn’t blur during the camera transition back to the menu.
- Fixed a bug where you could be stuck in time slow for a long time on the tutorial if you held jump for too long or jumped too early before a jump line.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to get infinite slow time and caused issues with the time slow indicator when wearing the Space Helmet.
- Fixed a bug where dying when wet caused the dash to permanently be down until the next time you get wet and it runs out.
- Fixed a bug where options were not applied instantly.
- Fixed a bug where stone circles were not dissolving when nearby.
- Fixed a bug where bawking pots close up still led to player death.
- Fixed a bug where dying and ending the level with a Bawk Ball still traveling caused errors.
- Fixed a bug where vultures were dissolving too quickly.
- Fixed a bug where firefox and snail trails were destroyed when the animal was bawked or destroyed.
- Fixed a bug where objects that should spread out over the block were not spread if the total possible spread was less than 1 block long.
- Fixed a bug where pigs animations were not being offset correctly.
- Fixed a bug where the vulture’s heads got bigger and bigger.
- Fixed a bug where the incorrect control scheme input icons and keys were shown when first loading the tutorial.
- Fixed a bug where time was consumed during Star Power boosts.
Changed files in this update