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Conspiracy TD update for 14 September 2023

Patch 0.5!

Share · View all patches · Build 12183301 · Last edited 14 September 2023 – 01:09:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

14.09.2023 -

60+(sixty) new skills(abilities), press N to open skill tree, you gain point per level completed(up to 20)
40+ new mobs with different variations, weapons, abilities, more are coming
15+ New units to build, all are unlocked from level 10 (from centaur, werewolf to minigunner... :) )
Small defense upgrades available from level 1, use them, they are cheap and effective!
UI of unit building choice might look overcrowded :) , send feedback, can be separated into pages.

Levels from 1 to 17 changed, level 15 will be changed again
Level 18 - 24 will also be done differently, play them at lower difficulty, they don't scale properly
NO new levels added with this patch, 24 are still active but most are changed

Added current and incoming wave on right side of screen
Added skip wave - (will be upgraded to be more effective) - will pop up on right upper side of screen with countdown timer when all enemies are killed
Auto Pause should be more effective if you leave pc while in game
Added + for upgrading to see what stat is unit getting, this will be changed
with color and adjusted with option - only important stats being showed or additional info as well
Changed UI GPU settings (simplified)
Rotating sun currently disabled (will be re-enabled)
Added color differentiation for damage meter for units(upper right side)

Added winds and meteors spawning randomly on maps - will deal damage to any units in range
Units can be upgraded 4 times now
Increased Health and damage for units, decimal number should only be below 1
Additionally Increased health pool of player units compared to damage
Changed gold reward from mobs(lowered) and increased reward between levels.

Some levels will have air units, build anti air or upgrade current units to deal more damage to them
Regular ST units vs AIR have -50% chance to hit and do 50% less dam
Regular AOE units have -50% chance to hit air and do 10% damage
Anti Air units do 8-10x damage to AIR units, info on tooltip of unit
Specialization unit upgrade requires unit level 3 or 4 (from level 10) -> working on adding more

Many more changes.... :)

Started working on basic editor so that you can make your own maps to play and test with your friends
Planning on adding simple info pictures with pointers and help
Planning on adding free for all multiplayer mode

Known bugs:
Texture on water
Character rotation occasionally
Multiplayer FX visuals, projectiles, no UI for incoming waves on client
Some units will have their mesh and animation replaced

Windows 64-bitEnglish Depot 2189151
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