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Expedition Agartha update for 13 September 2023

Cursed Catacombs, Cursed Zones, 1.0 Announcement

Share · View all patches · Build 12182689 · Last edited 13 September 2023 – 23:09:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The smell of blood sacrifice lingers in the air…

Cursed Zones have appeared on the Lost Island. The abominations known as Malformed Nagas have been conducting sacrificial rituals in order to converse with the cosmos. The spaces near the cursed zones are torn asunder by blood magic - Explore these zones at your own risk. Epic loot lies within!

The Cursed Catacombs entrance appears…

To those of you who answered MAP to last week's riddle, congratulations you were correct! The Cursed Catacombs have opened up to adventurers who dare to step into its corridors. The dark and dangerous labyrinth is filled with traps and enemies. There is only one extraction at the center of the map, and players must fight to escape! Good luck to all those who enter the Catacombs…

But an ever bigger surprise is right around the corner!

Expedition Agartha goes 1.0

Next Thursday 9/21/23 Expedition Agartha will be releasing 1.0! With the combination of community feedback and a hardworking team, we have created a world we are incredibly proud of. We want to thank our community for its continued support through this expedition. We have had our ups and downs, but truly through it all we have remained true to our vision and mission for this game. Creating the first medieval melee extraction looter survival game on the market was our dream, and getting to share that with you is our privilege. That being said, 1.0 will come with some necessary changes.

  • At the launch of 1.0, Free to Play users will continue to have access to the Lost Island and Freebooter Arena
  • Access to all the maps will be available to those with the Supporter Pack, which will newly be dubbed the Mercenary’s Edition
  • In order to support this new configuration, the map rotation will be removed
  • There will be a third edition of the game called Ascended Edition, where users will have access to the full game, the Mercenary Edition DLC, plus additional DLC which is to be announced

These changes will help the hardworking developers keep the lights on and encourage players to actively participate in all the new features and maps the team has rolled out and will continue to roll out in the coming weeks.

We’re excited to showcase these new features for you and we cannot wait to see all of your daring excursions. Keep a lookout in the next few weeks for announcements even more exciting, more daring, and more adventurous developments! In the meantime join us on the Wandering Wizard Discord to engage in gameplay discussions and keep up with giveaways .

As always, safe expeditions.

Patch Notes


  • Added new mercenary arena map, The Cursed Catacombs
  • Added new Cursed Zone events to The Lost Island
  • Updated Kapala shrine to have all upgrades and 20 items instead of 10.
  • Hubworld : All Quest NPCs moved to Island - Updated first time spawn point - Travel to boat moved over to the shore near Ching’s House
  • Added better loot chests to Skirmish Events on Lost Island
  • Cursed Catacombs quick launch added to the party menu.
  • Kapala shrine sale removed
  • Kapala shrine can no longer have conflicting upgrades (broken bones upgrade on blade weapon)
  • HUD Block icon warning animation when receiving unblockable hit
  • Looting corpses disabled on Prison Break Tutorial before teleporting to cell
  • Pause menu visual overhaul
  • Firelance nerfed to 300 damage from 500. Firelance ignite sound added and animation rate slowed down to 0.5

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed infinite money loop from crafting Wootz Steel by reducing the value of Wootz Steel
  • Fix for "Death approaching 1 minute" message after extracting.
  • Kapala shrine tracking bug in the "Introduce Yourself" tutorial fixed.
  • Fix for a bug where clicking unavailable maps would always result in a "Not all party members ready." warning.
  • Follower bots should no longer bug out if their leader extracts or dies, because they now die when the player leader extracts or dies.
  • Equipped bag names in inventory wrapping bug fixed
  • Bug fixed where class unlock prices would change after switching classes.
  • Kapala shrine stairs collision fix

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