Hello everyone,
Thank you for all your support so far with Slender: The Arrival's 10th Anniversary Update, we are in the midst of bringing more news your way. We wanted to start off by updating you all on the game's price. As many of you know, the update will be arriving to existing Steam customers for free. In order to reflect the substantial effort re-imagining the title with completely revitalized visuals and a brand new chapter, in the next few days you can expect to see the Steam price increase from 9.99 USD to 19.99 USD. This price change will only affect new customers and will reflect the value of the game on other platforms.
Please be aware that the update is coming out October 18th and if you do purchase the game before then, you will still need to wait until the official update goes live.
We appreciate all the support so far and cannot wait to share even more with you soon!
From the Blue Isle Studios Team.
Changed depots in development branch