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Purrfectly Hidden Cats - Kittenwood update for 14 September 2023

Goldenpaw Update Announcement!

Share · View all patches · Build 12179504 · Last edited 14 September 2023 – 11:52:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Major Update Announcement! 🎉

Hey everyone, we're thrilled to bring you a major update that has been carefully crafted to enhance your gameplay experience. Here's what's new:

Final Challenge Revamped 🏆

• Stress-Free Gameplay: We've done away with the nerve-wracking countdown. Now, you can take on the final challenge at your own pace. But if you're up for a time challenge, we still track your best time!

• Unlimited Replays: You can now replay the final challenge as many times as you like. Just use the same summoning mechanic as you did the first time.
• Pause & Play: Taking a quick break? Pause the final challenge either through the options menu or by simply pressing 'P'.

Graphics & Layout Improvements 🎨
• Smooth Moves: We've made all camera movements smoother for an even more immersive experience.
• Main Menu Makeover: We've revamped our main menu layout, making it more intuitive and visually appealing.
• Surprise!: Keep an eye out for the clickable surprises we've hidden in the main menu. Can you find them all?

Quality of Life Enhancements
• Readability Boost: We've refined some of the in-game texts for clarity.
• Bug Busters: As always, we've swatted a few minor bugs to make sure your gameplay remains smooth and glitch-free.

Thank you for your continuous support and feedback. Dive in, explore the updates, and let us know what you think.

Enjoy the game! 🎮🌟

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