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Erannorth Chronicles update for 13 September 2023

New repeatable Events, Spicy Vanilla mode and a few more tweaks

Share · View all patches · Build 12176965 · Last edited 13 September 2023 – 11:09:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi folks,

Alongside the expected bug fixes, I've made some adjustments in response to your invaluable feedback. This update includes a few balance tweaks, a handful of quality-of-life enhancements, and the addition of five new repeatable events. And for those seeking a heightened challenge while wanting to stay true to the original game experience, I'm excited to introduce the new Spicy Vanilla mode.

Thank you for your continuous support and feedback!

You can read more details in the patch notes below.

Patch Notes - 13/09 # 1.062.0

New Content

  • Added 5 new repeatable Events: Forage Fruits, Lost and Found, The Abandoned Campsite, The Abandoned Workstation and The Impromptu Market.
  • Added a harder 'Vanilla' variant: 'Spicy Vanilla'. Spicy Vanilla mode is recommended for players who have already completed Vanilla mode and are seeking a more challenging experience. While Spicy Vanilla provides a higher challenge, it keeps the gameplay close to its original form with minimal limitations.


  • Resolved an issue where the Game Mode UI Editor wasn't applying the selected XP Curve.
  • Added the missing 'The Star' card in the Arcana set.
  • Corrected typos found in various cards, perks and descriptions.

Balance tweaks

  • Enhanced the base likelihood of events occurring on the overworld map (instead of encounters) to 15%. This probability jumps to 30% if 'Untold Tales and Legends' events are available. Certain location exploration progression rewards can boost this chance by another 30% to a total of 60%.
  • Merchants in the world have grown greedier, purchasing your cards at reduced prices.
  • The effect of the Charisma modifier on prices has been increased from 2 to 3.
  • In Spicy Vanilla, Chosen and Apocalypse, PP can be earned only by completing challenges or events and not through Level up.
  • Minor tweaks in Chosen and Apocalypse to be more distinctive and tougher from Spicy Vanilla mode.

Misc Changes and QoL

  • In Character Creation, the baseline difficulty will be displayed next to the Game Mode name in the top navigation bar.
  • The triggered Gambit effect will now be displayed as 'Banter' text, making it clearer which effect has been selected.

Modding Additions

  • New Game Mode properties: "IncreaseXPMultiplierEveryXLevels": int, ie. 3 & "IncreaseXPMultiplierEveryXBy": int, ie. 25. Set together can create a more Dynamic XP curve that increases by x every y levels and make leveling harder on higher levels.
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