It's been a while (I was on vacation, visited family etc.) but here's a new update. The main thing is that you now have a better way of getting weapons. You'll need to find a weapon dealer (e.g. through the "Washing away the scum" storyline and ask them about "better weapons".
Here's a list of the changes:
- 'laser beam' and 'gatling gun' cost less.
- 'boost iv' now has speed 3.5 (instead of 4) and 'boost v' has speed 4 (instead of 5) to make especially 'boost iv' less overpowered (you now will only be able to stay ahead of Hunters with that, not outrun them altogether.
- New ways to obtain weapons.
- Fix you can only have 1 'gatling gun'.
- Fix mobs sometimes appear not to spawn because they spawn sitting still outside of visual range.
- Fix 'Hounds of Nova' spawning wrong hunters.
- Fix Narana shows up as regular passenger.
- When meeting Narana (after meeting them the first time) at the Shop you don't have to wait until the time you're supposed to meet; the Shop keeper will have the 'narana' topic immediately (as soon as you know about Narana).
- Fix can't renew membership when have Ships in storage but don't have a current Ship set.
- There are now 2 possible star backgrounds while in space to make space a bit more varied (more to come).
Next I'll either work on clone storage and modding or finish the "Among the stars" and "Eldergrav" storylines.
Changed files in this update