Thank you for your continued support of Midnight Monitor!
Following recent feedback, some much needed Quality-of-Life and difficulty changes have been added to the game.
The largest changes are outlined below:
Hard mode has had its difficulty decreased significantly:
- Anomaly limit is no longer reduced, Anomaly spawn frequency is now 50% faster instead of 100% faster. The game still does not stop time when paused.
- This was changed as it has become increasingly evident that Hard Mode was simply too dang hard.
- Congratulations to everyone who unlocked any Hard Mode achievements prior to September 12th 2023!
Presence anomalies can no longer cause a game-over if they are correctly reported moments before they trigger a game-over:
- Almost every Presence Anomaly starts a countdown timer when spawned. Previously a Presence anomaly was able to cause a game-over if this countdown timer reached 0 even if a correct report was being submitted. This is no longer possible and the Presence will be removed before the Game Over can occur.
Reporting any anomaly correctly now pauses the Anomaly spawn timer:
- Similar to the above, if an Anomaly spawned and put you over the Active anomaly limit whilst a correct report was pending, it was still possible to achieve a game-over. This tends to leave players feeling robbed, and so this has also been fixed.
Material Anomalies have been significantly reduced in Curated Anomalies mode
- 0 - 1 Material Anomaly will be curated per shift until they are more finely balanced
A change has also been made to the Active Anomaly Limit warning system.
But Why?
Currently when you exceed over half of your Active anomaly limit (4 or more Active Anomalies), a pop-up warns you of this. This warning would display only once, and would not show again even if the player exceeds the limit a second time. This behaviour has not changed and this on-screen warning will still only display once.
However, knowing if you are currently in danger of hitting the Active Anomaly Limit even if this warning has already been displayed can still be helpful for some players who may dislike the feeling of pressure or stress that this state of uncertainty causes. Because of this I have made the following change:
Somewhere in the Modern House level is an object that will, an unlimited number of times, warn you when you are currently over the warning threshold at any time.
This feature has been set up in this particular way (and not as a HUD icon or persistent overlay) to help balance the benefit that the feature grants. Keep your eyes peeled for anything particularly useful looking... (Though, it isn't exactly a hidden secret).
As always thank you from the bottom of my heart for playing and enjoying Midnight Monitor as I work to improve the game in any way I can. Your ongoing support will make Midnight Monitor the best it can be and I'm so grateful for that.
If you have any issues with this update please reach out to me directly via, or join the Official Discord server for game discussion and Tech Support:
Changed files in this update