- Added ability to set worker's entrance music by linking to a Youtube video (completely optional, modmakers!)
- Added ability to play worker's entrance songs during booking results screen by clicking the play button
- Removed show viewerships from the news section on Main Office screen
- Added Ratings roundup section on Main Office screen, to allow you to see and sort all ratings for each show on each network in the last 7 days
- Added ability to select an Agent for matches - these can help less talented workers put together better and/or longer matches, and can help with developing skills faster in matches
- Added ability for referees and announcers to develop skills through use
- Added an Is a Celebrity? true/false option for workers (doesn't do anything for now, but will eventually help with some AI/contract rules)
- Reduced title match chance for normal importance shows
- Added random event for a worker to come out of hiatus
- Added random event where tag teams can be revived and fixed random event where tags are created
- Added ability to set a workers moveset in the editor (Completely optional for modmakers, and is purely for adding depth/character to a worker)
- Added left-list specific style options to the skin editor
- Allowed viewing of worker skill progress charts from any other page, not just the workers pages
- Fixed Random Winner mode
- Fixed bug where dead people could become owners or bookers
Pro Wrestling Sim update for 12 September 2023
Update Notes 12 Sep 2023
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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