Hey everyone! We are very glad about the super positive reception of U12 and want to quickly follow up with some more improvements.
NEW Weapon: AMD-65
The new AMD-65 is a hard hitting common assault rifle with brutal recoil and bleeding ammunition.
NEW Weapon: RRX Coil Gun
The classic coil gun is a fast firing and accurate shotgun with powerful charged shot stacks.
NEW Item: Roundhouse Boots
Do the famed roundhouse kick with the roundhouse boots. Applies shock combos aswell.
NEW Shop: Weapon Upgrade Workbench
A new workbench with 3 strong weapon upgrade choices can appear in the late-game.
NEW Wall Oil Splats
Using the power of 3D, hitting enemies now can cause oil splats on the walls!
Online Coop
Server Performance / Desync
We made various improvements to server performance.
These changes aim to address the "desync" issues (invisible enemies, shop malfunctions, game breaking entirely, etc.). We need your feedback to determine if these changes resolve any issues you've experienced.
We continue to work on improving performance, but it's challenging to gauge the impact without your input since we cannot reproduce such problems in-house.
- In testing: new region selection when opening lobbies.
- Dropping items no longer resets cooldowns.
- Fixed lobby ready button mismatching the player.
- Various minor improvements.
Item and ability rarities have been adjusted. This results in healing abilities and items costing less to upgrade compared to other abilities. This change offers more choices in determining which items to upgrade, thus presenting players with more strategic options.
Further improvements to item and weapon shop rarities and some costs have been adjusted to be more logical. Varied costs are reduced a bit, but epics in the uncommon weapon shop now cost 200 more, highlighting the uncommon items.
Fixed the issue of the uncommon item shop having items of too low rarity.
Corrected the bug where scavenging yielded an excessive number of upgrade kits. We are still monitoring this.
Loop enemy movement speed reduced from 50% bonus to 30% bonus.
Loop armor bonus decreased from 40% to 20%.
Fixed the issue of players not receiving the loop debuff.
Further loop improvements and additional loot are planned for the near future.
Map Icons
New icons for weapon chests, item chests, players, pickups.
Variant Override added to the tinkerer shop.
Weapon tuning now provides +1 upgrade kit.
Mystery trader's power has been significantly increased.
Dodgy pills and Titanium legs have been upgraded to epic tier.
Grenade arm now also boosts ejection speed.
Chaos Technology Insertion now grants 2 perks.
Fixed issues with Ammo Refit.
New Greater Weapon Upgrade Workbench
A new workbench with 3 strong weapon upgrade choices can appear in the late-game.
Twin link has been reworked.
Cryo Cannon is now automatically triggered.
Various fixes and improvements to the Shield Dome.
Chrono Interceptor: Fixed and enhanced various evolutions.
Power Kick/Breaching Kick now reduces damage taken by 50% during the kick.
Riotguard Crisis Medical Kit: Removed acid shot to prevent friendly fire, added handgun benefits.
Fixed the issue with the nano launcher restoring 3 shots instead of 0 upon ammo pickup; it now restores 1 shot (currently in testing).
Blockade Breaker cooldown reduced from 14s to 12s.
Guillotine now accumulates 2 stacks in games with 3 or more players.
Guillotine ejection speed bonus reduced from 40% to 25%.
Guillotine now grants a 5% passive speed bonus.
Sniper speed adjustment changed from -10% to -5%.
Smoke Discharge now also affects the main player.
Various improvements to Demolisher abilities and kits.
Dragon's Masterkey is now correctly classified as a specialization ability.
Damage for certain burning effects increased from 50 to 100 (includes Masterkey, Plasma grenade, among others).
Protector's Badge now additionally provides 10 armor; duration clarified.
Visual effects reduced on Nitro Methadone.
Negative effects of Blade Reflect no longer scale.
Harpoon now stuns for 2 seconds and offers AOE suppression.
Enhancements made to the breaching shotgun's point-blank perk.
Squad-9 carbine received improvements and a new perk.
Acid Pistol ammo damage reduced from 0.5 to 0.3 due to new stacking mechanics.
Updated Tokko and C80, LR-400 visuals
Numerous improvements.
Introduced a new alternative style for the cooling floor.
Added a loop style for the cooling floor.
Removed traps in Cooling Chambers to optimize enemy pathing.
Several improvements to arena masters.
Dogs have been refined: they now have appropriate visual effects, are slowed after one hit, and deal 40% reduced health damage afterwards for 3 seconds.
Multiple adjustments to enemy specs and attributes for better balance and gameplay.
Improved enemy impact animations.
Reduced certain oil effects upon impact.
Fixed the issue where shields dropped by shielded enemies lacked collision.
Improved visuals for the bleeding effect.
Reduced gunshot sound intensity.
Reworked Acid debuff:
Can stack up to 2 times.
Offers up to -30/-60% armor reduction.
Fixed Chinese language showing wrong letters on class evolution.
Fixed other languages having certain wrong colors for UI elements.
Engine Minor Update / Game Start Issue
We updated from 2022.3.6 to 2022.3.9, which might or might not fix some engine issues people are having on Integrated GPUs / GPUs below minimum requirements where the game does not start. Let us know if things work better now.
Known issues:
The end boss appears twice.
Oil splats can appear on players.
AMD65 ammo says it has 20% bleed chance, which is 30%
Certain particles have a wrong setting, making them look boxy
Modders, take note: stuns and root results can now only target the user, similar to the modify stat action. To target others, create an action or use our existing stun actions.
_Patchnotes of the U12 hotfix in case you missed them: _https://steamcommunity.com/app/1471410/discussions/0/3819669865031720617/
We are following up with another update by the end of the month.
Have fun! - Team FFG
Changed files in this update