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Bounce Trials update for 15 September 2023

Bounce Trials - Now Available to Download!

Share · View all patches · Build 12168275 · Last edited 15 September 2023 – 10:09:22 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Bounce Trials - Release Day

Today, 15th September 2023, is an exciting day for ProperSerious with the launch of their first Steam game - Bounce Trials.

Bounce Trials is a completely free game - no microtransactions, no fees, no subscriptions, no in-game store - entirely free, and it's available to download and play now!

In Bounce Trials you play as a perpetually bouncing ball, which you can only control by moving to the left or right. You need to time your movements perfectly and move precisely to overcome the hurdles to reaching your goal. Timing (and a bit of patience) is key.

There is one goal in every level, and as long as you reach it you pass the level, but do it in good time and you'll be awarded a Gold, Silver, or Bronze reward. There are platforms of all sizes to get to, spikes to bounce over, moving platforms to stay on, and flip boards that propel you.

Let's not delay you any further; download and play Bounce Trials today!

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