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Deceit 2 update for 11 September 2023

Custom Options

Share · View all patches · Build 12160830 · Last edited 11 September 2023 – 17:09:21 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

One of the things you learn when making games is that everyone has an opinion. Some people want more guns, some people want fewer guns. Some people like being in debt to greedy racoons, and others don’t. As a game developer the problem is that (almost) everyone is right.

We thought a lot about how to give as much control as possible over to you, the players, with Deceit 2. That’s what led us down the path towards custom options.

Custom options are what make a game yours. Sure, you can tell your lobby that you’ve made a rule not to use pistols, or that the Guardian should not protect anybody. What if they don’t follow the rules though?

That’s why we made it so that you can enable, disable, turn off and tweak a huge range of gameplay mechanics. Now you get a chance to be the Game Master.


The Peddler is generous, allowing you to pick up an item from their shop the moment you wake up in the asylum. Perhaps you don’t want them to be generous though. You can decide by disabling items available on start if you wish.

As for all those Items players can unlock with their hard-work and hours in-game? You could keep them all enabled, sure. But, why would you? Wouldn’t the game be more interesting if you disabled every item except the Muzzle, Handcuffs and Ball & Chain?

Or perhaps you could test your deduction skills by only enabling the Clipboard, the Inspection Pin and the Player Tracker. Or maybe no one gets to use The Mask because one time everyone disguised themselves as you and it freaked you out.

This is your playground, you choose what toys are available.

Health, Sanity and all things guns

Perhaps the Game Master’s Ritual is a little too…relaxed for your liking. Is it really fair that those foolish Innocents can restore their sanity over time, or that they can deal you headshot damage when you’re identified as Infected.

You can make the game more challenging by disabling Health and Sanity regeneration: cue lots of slow, panting Innocents desperately running around in the In-Between. If you think jumping is for kangaroos or trampolines, you can leave Jump Fatigue enabled. Or, you can disable it, and turn the Asylum into a playpen for bunnies.

And just for you Deceit 1 fans, there’s even a custom option to spawn with a Pistol.


We’ll be exploring mutations in far greater detail in a future blog, but for now we can show that Mutations can be enabled or disabled as a mechanic, and individual Mutations can be turned off with the click of a button. As for rerolls - that allows you to change what mutations you load in with, so if you want to give people the options to change them - or not - that’s within your grasp too. Just like those Innocents will be…


Ordinarily, The Peddler only wants you to complete 4 tasks per player to secure that all important Escape Key. But you might want to make that 8. Because, you know, you love playing Chess and tuning radios (We can’t think of any other innocent reason for it…).


Sometimes, Infected are outed but difficult to pin down come the next Reality phase. We introduced voting during cutscenes to help with this. But like nearly everything else (which is the point of this blog!) you can disable that ability. You can change the duration voting lasts for, and whether players respawn elsewhere on the map if the vote on them fails. Handy if you want the game of cat and mouse to play on…


Additional roles will be introduced to Deceit 2 in the future, and they will be included in our custom options. You can currently disable the Guardian role and you can even the playing field by disabling Second Sight Vision for the Infected players, meaning they won’t be able to see where Innocents are across the map.


Lastly, we’ve got a number of other custom options that can impact the way the game plays out and how you communicate. You can speed up or slow down the time it takes for the In-Between to take over Reality, but you can also speed up or slow down how long the In-Between lasts for. You can disable In-Between anonymity, if you want to see Beck from across the room, and disable Spawning Together at the start if you want to disorientate players.

Communication is vital in Deceit 2, so we’re giving you options for that too: Global or Proximity chat (or no voice chat at all, if you have no mic and don’t want to get picked on for that). You can disable Pinging, so people cannot draw attention to you if they catch you running away from sabotaging the Generator, and you can even disable Nametags if you want to make the game just that extra bit confusing.

With all our Custom Options, we want to give you the chance to play Deceit 2 the way you want to play it! We’re looking at introducing Saved (and Shareable!) presets for you move smoothly between set ups, and make sure your friend gets it right when they host the party for a change.

Are there any Custom Options you know you’re going to use? Or any that you’re clamouring for that we haven’t included? Tell us! We want to hear about your desire for an even shorter Proximity Chat range, or that you want it so you have to kill 10 cockroaches instead of 5 for the task.

Until next time,

The Deceit Team

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