The latest update makes progress on some key issues.
- Found and fixed a source of Multiplayer Desync. Another potential case still being investigated
- Found at fixed 2 sources of game slowdowns. Multiple received savegames still being analyzed. More changes to come.
- Updates to "starting known technologies" for many of the top tier countries. Work will continue for other countries.
- Production facilities report what their next day expected output will be. Work ongoing for "what did it actually produce yesterday".
- Updates to which minister priorities AI regions use and when to improve their economy management skills.
Full changelog for all updates to date
Update Build 1184
- AI will put facilities back online if set offline
- Fix to spy orders not being reset
- Election results now show on day 1
- Added search to known techs
- Force stuck submarines to exit border hexes
- Fix music stopping (maybe?)
- Unit Experience fixed
- Fixed GPC/c & GDP tooltip in scorecard
- MP rename prefix fix
- Add battleships and frigates as possible naval AI battlegroup leaders
- Colony sibling trading allowed, always accepts trades
- Cyber attack chance increased
- Added theatre controls to the theatre view map, Land department
- allow liberate/colonize grouped regions like Russia/USA etc
- Added tooltip for player status indicators in multiplayer chat
- Further additions to military equipment file
- Adjustments to use of Totalitarianism government type
- Search string added to known technologies list
- Fixes to resupplying helicopters in allied territory
- Amphibious version of Merchant Marine renamed to Merchant Landing Craft for easier recognition
- Adjustments to user of Wagner mercenary units in specific countries
- Various 3D model fixes
- Various UI fixes
- Various map fixes
- UI updates
- Fixes to relationships drift against players on normal difficulty
- Fixes to minister priority for "Military Materials", no longer imports as much
- Fixes to submarine pathing getting stuck in coastal waters
- Fixes to naval pathing locks, some values had gotten reversed logic
- Updates to orbats of various regions
- Updates to known unit designs for various regions
- Updates to some sandbox events
- Fixes to some translations, specifically the word rubber across most languages
- Fixes to some models for incorrect texture or incorrect size in UI
- Tooltip on list of spy missions now reports days remaining
- Facility popup now shows how much raw materials are used per produced quantity, ongoing improvements to this data feedback
- New tooltip being tested on some stats for actual units to give better feedback, work ongoing
- Roads/Rails in construction now report days remaining and remaining cost in land department
- Updated rules on what kind of aircraft are requested by carriers (less attack helos, more ASW helos).
- Regional Atlas list line for GDP/c has a tooltip for total GDP
- Fixes to AI putting offline facilities back online if needed instead of starting new construction
- Fixes to regions assigned for equipment from Iraq, Iran and Pakistan
- Fixed first day value of election support levels.
- Minor tech tree fixes
- Alignment of trenches and walls improved
- Bonds screen now shows preview of rate and amount for next bond
- Fixes to unit orders to load units
Changed files in this update