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Behind the Horizon update for 11 September 2023

Patch Notes V3.01

Share · View all patches · Build 12156666 · Last edited 11 September 2023 – 06:32:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


The prices for Wolf and Lion at the NPC Eleyne have been lowered, as they should be available early in the main game.

The prices for the simple magic crystals in Niall's shop have been lowered slightly.
Wolf and Lion are now fully healed after one day, provided they are not hungry, if they have been wounded.

Since Wolf and Lion also get wounded in battle, they are much more susceptible to starvation (with their life energy being lowered daily). Therefore, a corresponding message has been integrated into the game and it is prevented that the companion can die in the caves during the day change because he has no more food as he is also severely wounded. In this case, the player gets one day to heal or feed his companion. If he does not do so, the companion will die as usual.

Added info to the pet food which pets it is suitable for.


"The box of stones for Tom" could not be placed on the map. This made it impossible to finish the side quest. This bug has been fixed.

When setting lightning rods, the protected area was not displayed correctly. This has now been fixed.

Windows 64-bit Behind the Horizom Content Depot 1453431
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Windows 64-bitDLC 2491090 Depot 2491090
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