Dear players!
We're bringing this new patch straight into your hands, hoping that the game will now bring that little extra quacksomeness.
Here are the changes:
- Highlighting the stains - you asked for it, we delivered (press f to try it out)
- More legible task list - greyed out positions indicate the step that is not yet available, as you have to complete the previous steps
- Pressure washer boost - even... more... power!
- Throwing out trash on the Murder part II - the segregation should no longer be problematic
- Camera fluidity - it should no longer give you motion sickness
- Achievements - improved and modified (and possible)
- Fixed sound issues
- Improved collisions
- Fixed bugs causing players to get stuck in certain places
- Minor bugfixes
We are going to take a step back from releasing patches daily, as we have been for the past few days, and try to direct our focus towards things that require more time.
Things we are currently working on:
- Further optimization of the game
- Saving your progress in the middle of a mission
- A mechanic that allows you to aim your washer independently while keeping the camera still
- New missions
Dev Team
Changed files in this update