CAMPAIGN MODE HAS BEEN ADDED: Play 8 missions, only being able to use each maniple once, and rescue fallen maniples. Select the best maniple based on the mission's location and enemy boss.
- Abilities fixed showing when unavailable: White Evasion, Transient Loss; Wraith Stealth Defect, Stealth Sensor, Targeting Error; Burner Reactive Armour, Tank Defect
- Burner's Blaster mode fixed checking for incoming damage where it would normally move instead of where it moves at short range
- Library Enemy Abilities tab removed tooltip help text intended for gameplay
- Map added for quick travel
- Hangars much improved
- Rooms added: Empty, Meeting, Security, Hallway 02, Hallway 03, Hangar 02
- You can now enter your room
- Fixed "Next" button not working when no dialogue but more scenes
- GUI Ability messages now use the standard text colour to avoid difficulty reading
- Skip Animation hotkey added, applied to Campaign Win menu, Station Rooms, Movies
- Restart game fixed not using rebindable hotkey
Changed files in this update